Authorship is Complicated
Some articles are easy: one researcher did all the analysis and wrote all the words. But some articles are complex: some papers in science and medicine have 50+ authors. Sometimes other individuals contribute to research in a particular way other than writing the manuscript. So how do you decide who gets listed in the byline under the article's title?
Defining What Is Authorship
The primary standard for defining authorship in scientific publishing comes from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). They state that authors must have made significant contributions to study ideation and/or design. Their criteria for authorship include:
Defining What is Not Authorship
Instances of exaggerated or disregarded authorship are not acceptable. The following people should NOT be listed as authors in the byline:
The Council of Science Editors guidelines linked below also provide direction on group authorship and addressing authorship by deceased or incapacitated authors (see section 2.2.2).
Watch SHSU Workshop on Authorship
The significance of an author's name appearing first, last, or in any particular position varies between disciplines.
In many cases, a position as first author indicates the primary contributor to the work. Other authors are listed in order of the significance of their contributions, from those most involved to those who provided study oversight.
Ultimately, it is up to the scholars conducting the work to determine who receives credit and in what order.
Collaborators are encouraged to discuss this issue at the beginning of a project, in order to avoid conflict later on.
Defining how both authors and non-authors contributed allows us to give credit and also avoid any confusion about what the order of authors' names might mean.
One useful tool for explaining the roles of all contributors is the Contributor Roles Taxonomy, or CRediT (managed by NISO).
CRediT defines 14 roles typically played by contributors to research outputs. A Contribution statement can be included in a paper (often just before the reference list) to associate each contributor's name with the roles they played.
Below are two examples of a Contribution statement using CRediT, borrowed from the website of the journal Evidence Based Library and Information Practice.
Example 1
Zhang Lee: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software Aditi Singh: Data curation, Writing - original draft Neeru Acharya: Visualization, Investigation Noel Jenson: Supervision Vijay Kumar: Software, Validation Caryn Dillon: Writing - review & editing
Example 2 (illustrating optional degrees of contribution)
Pierro Correia: Writing - review & editing (equal) Anna Berkowitz: Conceptualization (lead), Writing - original draft (lead), Formal analysis (lead), Writing - review & editing (equal) Yolanda Roberto: Software (lead), Writing - review & editing (equal) Takaaki Yamada: Methodology (lead), Writing - review & editing (equal) Qian Wu: Conceptualization (supporting), Writing - original draft (supporting), Writing - review & editing (equal)
This contribution statement can appear in the paper, often just before the references list. Note that individual journals who have formally adopted CRediT may require alternate formatting of the statement or may need it to be entered in a more structured way as part of their manuscript submission process.
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