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Scholarly Communication Support: Planning, Conducting, Disseminating, Promoting, & Assessing Research

This guide will acquaint researchers with knowledge and tools to assist in planning, conducting, disseminating, promoting, and assessing research.

Verifying & Citing Sources

As Calier et al. (2022) summarize: "There is increasing evidence that women, people of colour, and other minoritised groups are systematically under cited (see, for example, Caplar, Tacchella and Birner, 2017; Chakravartty, Kuo, Grubbs and McIlwain, 2018; Fulvio, Akinnola and Postle, 2021)."

As researchers, we can support a philosophy of inclusive citation. "Inclusive citation describes an approach to citing the intellectual and creative work of individuals and groups with a diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Inclusive citation works to counteract dominant power structures that have historically privileged certain groups while disadvantaging others" (Andrea Baer, Rowan University).

We can support that philosophy by ensuring that we practice inclusive referencing: "the practice of including different voices and perspectives in your research. It prioritises investigating, and where relevant including, non-dominant voices, and emphasises the importance of including voices and perspectives from the group you are looking at and/or groups affected by the topic" (Technological University Dublin).

Some important steps to take:

  • Look beyond the “top” journals and impact factors - "Less ‘prestigious’ journals can contain more diverse research" (Mason & Merga, 2021)
  • Cite works from diverse contexts (other countries, cultures, BIPOC writeres, underrepresented voices in your field, etc.)
  • Cite works from languages other than English
  • Cite open-access journals published, e.g., in the Global South (see repositories like SciELO, African Journals Online)
  • Carefully consider which scholars you quote directly and which you paraphrase, because quoting confers more authority

"...citational practices can be a tool for either the reification of, or resistance to, unethical hierarchies of knowledge production." (Carrie Mott & Daniel Cockayne, 2017)

Mott, C., & Cockayne, D. (2017). Citation matters: mobilizing the politics of citation toward a practice of ‘conscientious engagement’. Gender, Place & Culture, 24(7), 954-973.

Need help finding this diverse scholarship? Try searching here:

Additional Resources

It's important to know if you are relying on research which has been retracted after publication, especially if a particular method or discovery is a key underpinning in your work.

Retracted means an article has been withdrawn after publication.

Either the author of the paper or the editor of the journal may initiate a retraction. For example:

  • An author may discover an honest error in their data and want to withdraw the subsequent findings, which may be unfounded.
  • An editor may uncover evidence of unethical research practices, falsified data, plagiarism, or other breaches of research integrity which call the paper's credibility into question.

Learn What Has Been Retracted


Additionally, some research databases will visibly identify a paper which has been retracted:

Search results in an EBSCOhost research database with the words Retracted Article appearing just before the title of an article. The title and publication details of the article are blurred.



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