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Scholarly Communication Support: Planning, Conducting, Disseminating, Promoting, & Assessing Research

This guide will acquaint researchers with knowledge and tools to assist in planning, conducting, disseminating, promoting, and assessing research.

Guidance on Academic Writing

SHSU's institutional membership in NCFDD gives all faculty, staff, and students access to their wealth of resources for succeeding in academia.


After activating your membership and signing in, browse the Library tab or search the site for webinars and resources on topics such as:

  • Are You Ready To Get Unstuck?
  • Overcoming by Understanding Academic Writer’s Block
  • Writing through Writer's Block: Turning Research Obstacles into Insight
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • How to Write an Article in No Time
  • Writing as Metaphor: Discovering a Writing Process That Works for You
  • Developing Writing Rituals: A Key to Jumpstarting and Maintaining Productivity


Inclusive Language in Science
The recorded presentation below by the Technical Editor for Style at The BMJ "explored the role of inclusive language in science, including how thoughtful and deliberate choices in wording can help to promote diversity, reduce bias, and ensure that individuals are valued and respected. Relevant challenges in science editing and publishing were discussed and practical tips and resources were provided to help empower participants to have conversations and make decisions about potentially sensitive topics."



Although the video below discusses theses and dissertations, the steps described are useful for writing a methodology section in any context.


A lay summary explains your research for a general audience.


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