General Information:
Their were many steps involved in the initial setup of the EDI invoicing in 2013. The attached Powerpoint provides the details but some of the steps included:
Setting up the FTP fields with EBSCO
Setting up the Sirsi Workflows vendor record
Creating funds in Sirsi to which invoicelines that did not load properly could be attached:
Creating Dated Orders for journals and creating funds for EBSCO service charges: (E-S-EJ-LIB-SC for e-journals, and S-LIB-SC for print/print+online journals) (EBSCO charges a 3% service fee per subscription; current as of 11/16/2021)
Setting up the reports in Sirsi Workflows (Note: the fiscal year of the report name and in the report criteria needs to be updated every fiscal year):
The Powerpoint below provides more details about the steps above.
1. Display the invoice in Sirsi after it has been loaded by EDI. Invoicelines that don't have titles could not be linked to an order so they were linked to the problem fund specified in the Serials X13 report (ESBCO-EDIPROB-EJ or EBSCO-EDIPROB-JR.).
2. When displaying the invoice, if you click on the invoiceline and select the Display Invoice helper, you can see in the Invoiceline Extended Information Comment fields, the coverage (volume and dates), order number, ISSN, EBSCO title number, and EBSCO Order number may be displayed. Those elements can be used to look up the order or title in Sirsi or EBSCONET. (This is the same information that appears if you display the EBSCO-EDIPROB fund, select the Invoices tab, select an invoice, and select the Display Invoice helper.)
To identify missing titles, you can also look on the PDF or Excel versions of the invoices in the place between the 2 titles that surround the blank title to see what is there.
3. EBSCO sends an Invoice Action/Information Report by email with the invoices which provide information about titles that may require action. These include titles that have been suspended, ceased, changed to another format, changed title numbers, etc. These could be related to some of the titles that didn't load properly during the EDI invoicing.
4. To check which invoices loaded by EDI, you can display invoices by Vendor ID; i.e., EBSCO-SER, or vendor name in Sirsi, add the year in the "Created in fiscal cycle" field, click on the invoices tab and see the list of invoices. The date the invoices were created is listed so you can see if the date matches the date of the EDI load. If any are unexpected, you can click on the invoice and display it.
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