Display Order
1. Under the Order Information and Maintenance Section, click on "Display Order Specific Cycle".
2. If the order ID is available enter the order id in the Search for: field.
a.) Change the Index: field to "Order ID"
b.) Click on Search
3.) If the Order ID is not available, search for the order by title.
a.) In the Search for: field type in the title of the article, database, journal or e-book you are looking for.
b.) Change the Index: field to Periodical Title or the appropriate subject field you are searching for.
Select the appropriate title and then click on Display Order
4.) Select the Appropriate Title from the list and then click on "Display Order" tab at the bottom of
the screen.
5.) Choose the Order ID with the Current Fiscal Year. The Order ID in that column that is
selected will be highlighted blue.
a.) Write down the Order ID on the Invoice.
b.) Click on the "Display Order" tab at the bottom of the page.
Compare Invoice with SIRSI
6.) Compare the Invoice Price, the Renewal Date, the Notes, and Coverage with the fields in SIRSI.
a.) Compare the PRICE in the SIRSI Orderline with the Price on the Invoice.If the Price is different, calculate
the percentage difference. If the calculated difference is more than 20%, notify the Head of Acquisitions
before continuing. To Calculate Percentage Difference: Subtract the two numbers and then
divide the answer by the lowest price to get the percent increase.
b.) Verify that the RENEWAL DATE in SIRSI matches the subscription start date on the Invoice. If the date in
SIRSI is within a few days (i.e. 01/03/2015 vs 01/01/2015) then the date is o.k. and you can modify the order to
change the date to match the Invoice. If the RENEWAL DATE has a difference of 30 days or more, notify the
Head of Acquisitions before continuing.
c.) Read any NOTES in the SIRSI Orderline from the previous and current fiscal year(s) and / or information in
the COVERAGE field. If these NOTES or COVERAGES raise any questions about renewing the
subscription or paying the Invoice, Notify the Head of Acquisitions. Follow any instructions given in the
1.) Compare the price in the Sirsi orderline with the price on the invoice. If
different, calculate the percentage difference. If increase is more than 20%,
notify the Head of Acquisition before continuing
To calculate 20% subtract the 2 numbers, and then divide the answer by the
lowest first price to get the % increase.
2.) Verify that the Renewal Date in Sirsi matches the subscription start date on
the invoice. If it is within a few days, change renewal date to match
subscription start date. If difference is a month or more, notify the Head of
Acquisitions before continuing
3.) Read any notes in the Sirsi orderline from the previous and current fiscal
year(s) and/or information in the COVERAGE field. If these notes raise any
questions about renewing the subscription or paying the invoice, notify the
Head of Acquisitions. Follow any instructions given in the COVERAGE field
Receive Order
7. Under the Order Information and Maintenance, click on "Receive Order" to receive the order in Sirsi
8.) Enter the Order Number in the "Search For:" field and Change the Index: field to Order ID, Click on Search.
a.) Select the Correct Order ID form the list and click "Display Order"
b.) When the box below opens:
c.) Make sure "1" is in the "Quantity Receiving" Box. Next Click on the "Receive Orderline" tab at the
bottom of the screen.
9.) If the Quantity Received shows Zero, then go to Banner Self-Service to see if it was Invoiced and Paid.
a.) If it has been Invoiced and Paid, double check the Pay Approval Spreadsheet to make sure that the Notes - INV
(for Invoiced) or PAID is listed next to the subscription, next to the balance. Another Clue is that it will say
Quantity Received: 1 in the Box below on the line above Quantity Received.
Acquire PL Number - SUPERCEDED FY2016
We started using BearKatBuy in FY2016 which no longer used Payment Approvals which allowed more than one invoice to be paid for a vendor at the same time and for more than one credit to be used at the same time. With BearKatBuy, Technical Services submits one invoice at a time and only one credit memo can be combined with it. Disbursements may actually combine more than one invoice per vendor per payment, but this is not done in Technical Services.--TLO 5/9/2022
10.) To get the Payment Approval Number or PL#.
a.) Go to the payment approval shortcut on the desktop labeled PAYMENT APPROVALS.
b.) Next Double click the FY15 Subs Pay Approvals ACQ ER ASST to open up the spreadsheet.
c.) Decide what category tab to select on the bottom of the spreadsheet, by using the EJ HEAF Account first until
the budget balance reads zero, then use the EJ 151800 Account for any Electronic Journals noted by the letters
EJ on the Order ID Prefix. Print JR HEAF and Print JR 151800 are for any printed Journal Subscriptions noted
by the S-JR-P in the Order ID Prefix. The Ras tab is for any Databases that are being renewed noted by the
Order number Prefix S-RAS letters, and the E-book / E-book Package would be for any Electronic Books or
Electronic Book Packages noted by the Order ID Number prefix E-S-EB or E-S-EBP letters.
d.) After selecting the Appropriate Category: Scroll down to the last PL # on the spreadsheet and type in the next
consecutive number. For example this spreadsheet shows the last PL# to be PL425039, so the next consecutive
PL# would be PL425040. This would be the PL# you would use in the NOTE field. DO NOT put a dash
between the prefix and the payment approval number - Click O.K.
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