The Children's & Juvenile Literature Collection in the Newton Gresham Library at Sam Houston State University serves various purposes:
A small portion of the collection is available online, however, recognizing the need and preference for books in print by children and educators, the majority of the collection is in print.
** Note: It is the responsibility of the adult caregiver, family member, or teacher to select titles that are appropriate for the child(ren) that will be reading or interacting with items from the SHSU Children's Collection. This is a diverse collection that represents a variety of viewpoints in historical and current representations.
The Collection is approximately 25,000 titles, dating from 1870 to he present, in children's literature and includes board books, picture books, early readers, and movable/pop-up books in fiction and nonfiction titles.
As of September 2023, the collection is balanced as follows:
• Fiction: 12,343 titles; average date: 1986.2 (2018 avg.: 1977.9)
• Non-Fiction: 12,353 titles; average date: 1986.0 (2018 avg.: 1975.3)
As of December 31, 2018, 30% of the collection was pre-1969; 35 titles pre-date 1900 and 89.1% of the Collection had circulated. More details are on subsequent tabs.
IMC & Children's Literature Floor Plan
Picture Books and Reading Area
IMC hosting a class on Children's Literature
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