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A Guide to Teaching with OER, OA, Open, & Free Materials

This guide is intended to assist faculty in identifying open and alternative textbook options for specific courses.

Need Help Finding and Using OER?

Need assistance in identifying and selecting appropriate OER materials? Contact your department's dedicated subject librarian and/or the Scholarly Communications Librarian. 

Scholarly Communications Librarian

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Erin Owens
NGL 223D
ORCID: 0000-0001-9520-9314

I'm Creative Commons Certified! I can advise on CC licenses to reuse, remix, and publish open resources.
Creative Commons Certification logo

Need Help with OA Repositories?

Need assistance in finding, understanding, and using materials deposited in open-access repositories, or in adding materials to SHSU's own repository? Contact the Digital Initiatives Librarian.

Digital Initiatives Librarian

Profile Photo
Michelle McCrary


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