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A Guide to Teaching with OER, OA, Open, & Free Materials

This guide is intended to assist faculty in identifying open and alternative textbook options for specific courses.

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  1. Select desired material, either through searching online and/or working with a librarian.
  2. Verify copyright and licensing are appropriate for your course adoption. Talk to a librarian if you're not certain.
  3. Complete the textbook adoption form from SHSU / Barnes and Noble, choose your course and then select the option “I’m not using any materials for this course.” Next, you’ll be prompted to select whether the course will use Open Educational Resources (OER). This requires only a Yes/No answer; you are not required to specify what materials you have chosen, so you can change or add materials as long as they remain no-cost. Finally, click "Submit Adoption." Now students will be able to tell from the course schedule that YOUR course has zero textbook costs.
  4. Insert links in your syllabus, Blackboard course, etc.
  5. Optional but recommended: Report your adoption of a textbook to the creator, such as OpenStax, to help them in demonstrating usage and value of the materials to funders/donors.
  1. Identify existing resource(s) that you want to use as a starting point.
  2. Verify copyright and licensing are appropriate for revising or remixing, depending on your goal. Talk to a librarian if you aren't certain.
  3. Choose a software or file format to work in. Some online OER authoring tools are suggested below, but you can also just compile and edit content in Word and save it as a PDF if that's appropriate for your use.
  4. Add existing content by means available, whether copying or importing within an OER platform or just copy-and-pasting from an existing document to your own.
  5. Edit! Edit, delete, and reorganize existing content, and add your original contributions, however you see fit. Apply your expertise while using the existing work as a launchpad, and create the course material of your dreams.
  6. Review and revise as needed. Consider asking a colleague in your subject department and/or a librarian if they can provide a review.
  7. Publish? Decide whether you must or will publish your adaptation as a new OER. The licenses on some existing works may require you to "share alike"; if not, it's your choice, but sharing your new adaptation is still highly encouraged. To do so:
    1. Add an open license. The exact license you choose will depend on what restrictions you do/don't want to place upon other users, but also may depend on restrictions set by the licenses of the remixed works. This part can get complicated, so talk to a librarian if you aren't certain what license to use.
    2. Publish and share. In order for your work to be OER, you'll need to post it more broadly than SHSU Blackboard. You might post in OERTX, OER Commons, or another repository that is more appropriate for your discipline. Talk to a librarian if you'd like guidance in choosing where to share.
  8. Share with students, and enjoy teaching the new material!
  1. Choose a software or file format to work in. Some online OER authoring tools are suggested below, but you could also just build content in Word and save it as a PDF if that's appropriate for your use.
  2. Build content! Apply your expertise and create the course material of your dreams.
  3. Review and revise as needed. Consider asking a colleague in your subject department and/or a librarian if they can provide a review.
  4. Add an open license. The exact license you choose will depend on what restrictions you do/don't want to place upon other users. Talk to a librarian if you aren't certain what license to use.
  5. Publish and share. In order for your work to be OER, you'll need to post it more broadly than SHSU Blackboard. You might post in OERTX, OER Commons, or another repository that is more appropriate for your discipline. Talk to a librarian if you'd like guidance in choosing where to share.

Scholarly Communications Librarian

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Erin Owens
NGL 223D
ORCID: 0000-0001-9520-9314

I'm Creative Commons Certified! I can advise on CC licenses to reuse, remix, and publish open resources.
Creative Commons Certification logo


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