Accessing BearKatBuy – You will be given instruction on accessing the BearKatBuy by
going to the following URL:
BearKatBuy Test Server login
(You may have to login with your SHSU computer account username and password after clicking on the above link.)
BearKatBuy Production Server login website
Select Campus Tools: My Sam>Employees tab>scroll down to BearKatBuy Shopping>click on: Access to BearKatBuy
BANWEEK Test Server login (this is the test version of Banner which correlates with the BearKatBuy Test Server)
Use Internet Explorer and enter url for SHSU Banner Quick Links:
Click on “Internet Native Banner (Direct Login)” in the BANWEEK column which brings up the following login page.
Use the following training login:
Username: FIN010
Password: fintrn010
Database: leave blank
Internet Banner (Production Banner system) website
Select Campus Tools: My Sam>Employees tab>select Access to Banner INB from the right side of screen
NEW ACCOUNT CODES for Library Acquisitions - FY2016
Original code: 727600 (do not use this code in BearKatBuy because it routes the order to university IT department)
Subaccount titles (these were approved by Lisa Lucas in the Controller's Office via email sent 8/11/2015 to Teri Oparanozie)
Original code: 738200
Subaccount titles
Existing code for books:
Existing Codes – Jackie Conrad uses these
Notes from getting the account codes set up:
I spoke to Lisa Lucas (x42552, in Controller’s Office who sets up the account codes.
REVISIONS TO ACCOUNT CODES for Library Acquisitions - FY2017
On 9/6/2016 I emailed Lisa Lucas ( and Amanda Withers (Interim Controller,, x42289) to request these changes and to make sure they are set up to NOT route to the university IT department. TLO 8/23/2016
Original code: 727600 (do not use this code in BearKatBuy because it routes the order to university IT department)
Subaccount titles
NOT IMPLEMENTED but a reminder as to what was considered:
I considered having a separate account code for firm order E-media (also referered to as streaming media) but we have spent less than $2000 on these types of materials in FY2016 so it doesn't seem worth having a separate account code for now. My initial proposal was:
IPEDS counts physical media. It includes microforms, graphic, and cartographic materials in this category. We don't have a separate account code for physical media like cdroms, dvds, music cds, etc. but we did create funds in Sirsi for F-MUS-CD, F-MUS-DVD, F-DAN-DVD for which these types of materials are ordered. We also have fund level 4 coding for CD and DVD to pull the expenditures together. Do we need an account code for Physical Media or are they mixed on invoices with other types of materials? Trina says physical media are mixed with print books on the invoices so we will not create a separate account code for physical media.
The above represents some slight revisions to email sent to Ann Holder on May 3, 2016 (see below). No action was taken on this email as far as I know (as of Sep 6, 2016) --it is superced by the changes mentioned above:
Michael, Trina and I have been discussing the following and we would like to request some new account codes.
We currently use account code 727601 for Library E-books/E-videos (OT) [OT means one-time referring to firm order purchases]. IPEDS counts e-books separately from e-videos and we catalog them separately as well. We would like to be able to track them separately financially. Therefore, we would like to have account codes that separate the e-books from the e-videos. We would like to start using these new codes for FY2017 so hopefully they can be created before August 2016.
I think it would be best to create 2 new separate account codes to take the place of 727601. Then we would stop using 727601.
If the following codes are not currently being used for anything else, I would suggest:
727608 Library E-Books (OT)
727609 Library E-Videos (OT)
Also, I would like to add account code:
727610 Library E-Videos (Subscription)
FYI, we already have 727604 for Library E-Books (Subscription)
The product descriptions need to be uniform to be able to search them easily to get consistent results. They also need to be unique because the search function in BearKatBuy is keyword and a search for "books" would bring up both "ebooks" and "print books" if those product descriptions were used. Also, dashes are interpreted as spaces so it is best NOT to use dashes. Searching for JR, SO, or DB brings up orders placed by other departments on campus. Adding LIB before each of our product codes without a space or dash should help ensure that we retrieve only library orders.
Proposed Product Descriptions as of 9/18/15: (Using all caps for consistency although the advanced search is not case sensitive)
LIBEBOOKS (for ebooks/e-videos)
LIBPDA (for PDA purchased) (both LIBPDA and LIBSTL use account code 727602 ; but for balancing with Sirsi we are using separate BKB Product Descriptions to make it easier to identify the payments. Proquest sends separate invoices for PDA versus STL so this will work well for them. Springer, if we start that PDA, does not separate their invoices so purchased and STL will be on the same invoice. We will have to decide how to handle those if we determine we can afford their PDA prices. Since the blanket POs are by vendor, we can have 2 blanket POs for Proquest [one for PDA and one for STL]; whereas for Springer we may have just one blanket PO.)
LIBSTL (for PDA short-term loans. See notes in LIBPDA description.)
LIBOT (for e-journal/database one-time purchases)
LIBEBSUB (for ebook subscriptions)
LIBDB (for databases)
LIBEJ (for ejournals)
LIBESO (for E-Standing Orders)
LIBJR (for print journals or microform journals)
LIBSO (for print standing orders)
LIBBKS (for print books/music cds/dvds)
Also, when creating blanket purchase orders, the Product Description should be preceded by "LIBBLANKET"
This will allow us to search for and display all library Acquisitions Dept blanket POs together.
Note: BLANKET, BLANKET PO or BLANKETPO brings up orders from other departments on campus. POBLANKET or LIBBLANKET did not bring up other departments' orders.
One-off vendors using Library Order Form:
Norma O'Bannon from Disbursements has informed us that a receipt can have only one invoice attached.
We will use the BearKatBuy receipt number for the Sirsi check number as the link between the 2 systems.--REVISED 10/715--use E-invoice number as the Sirsi check number. We encountered a problem with Educational Music Service (EMS) invoices which have a discounted amount if paid by a certain date listed on the invoice. Norma O'Bannon has told us we have to entire the entire amount of the invoice in BKB, then if Accounts Payable is able to pay the invoice by the specified date, they will enter the discounted price as the payment price which shows up in the E-invoice but not in the receipt. The E-invoice number is also in Banner so in order to match Sirsi with Banner, which is the definitive payment system rather than BKB, we will use the E-invoice number in Sirsi as the check number. Usually the receipts are being changed into E-invoice numbers the same day that the receipt is entered into BKB or the next day.
(The Banner command FGIENCD can be used to see the balance remaining on the purchase order which can be matched to the Excel payment spreadsheets that are being kept by Acquisitions.).
No need to rename the receipt number or add a packing list name
The E invoice number that is created in BearKatBuy IS the invoice number that will feed over into Banner. The reason we did not see the E invoice numbers in BANWEEK testing is that the invoices we used were from last fiscal year and already existed in Banner so an error occurred in trying to re-use them. Norma was able to modify those invoice numbers in BearKatBuy by adding an 'A' to the end of the invoice number and then they fed over into BANWEEK within a minute or two (the time it took for posting to occur in Banner) after she resubmitted them.
Invoice error messages can be seen in BearKatBuy if you display the PO, select the Invoice tab, click on the hyperlinked E invoice number, and select the History tab. Norma said she spends much of her day looking at the invoice errors and correcting them.
Norma O'Bannon says we need to have a receipt date on our invoices. This is mainly because the Prompt Payment Law says for state funds the invoice must be paid within 30 days of when the material is received or when the invoice is received. However, in general, Norma prefers that we have a receipt date on the invoices whether they are paid on state or local funds. We will either stamp the receipt date on paper invoices or insert a receipt date into PDF invoices following the format: NGL received [date][initials]. We include NGL to distinguish the library receiving the invoice from Accounts Payable receiving it when we send it to them.
Reports for balancing between Sirsi and BearKatBuy/Banner:
Trina and I have also talked about the structure of the files we should keep for invoices that will be attached to the BearKatBuy receipts and the structure of files to keep track of PO numbers, Receipt numbers, E-invoice numbers and amounts (and now possibly I invoice numbers) for balancing purposes. More on that later.
9/28/15 If an invoice has a statement on it that payment will be a discounted amount if paid by a certain date, Norma O'Bannon has told us to enter the full amount of the invoice rather than the discounted amount into BearKatBuy. If Accounts Payable is able to pay before the date specified, the discount will be taken when paid. Trina will enter the full amount in Sirsi and add a Comment on the receipt in BearKatBuy to bring the discount date to the attention of Accounts Payable. She will also put an asterisk at the end of the receipt number that we record on the invoice and/or Excel spreadsheets to check the E invoice number to see the actual amount paid. If the discounted amount was paid in Banner, she will adjust Sirsi to match Banner. (This situation happened with Education Music Service blanket PO P0048496)
10/26/15 Jermie was told that if we cancel a purchase order in BKB, it does not automatically dis-encumber the money in Banner so we have to go into Banner and disencumber the money.
10/26/15 For our one-off vendors for which we use the Library Order Form, there is not a field to check to not send the BKB purchase order to the vendor which is present in the Blanket POs. There is an option to change the Distribution setting from Fax to Custom. If Manual is selecting as the Custom setting, it means the department (in this case the library), will send the purchase order themselves instead of a PO being sent from BKB. However, we usually have not had to actually change the setting because a default can be set at the vendor level by Procurements. If we have a problem with a vendor receiving a PO from BKB, let Renee' Starns know so she can change the vendor information. We did have a problem with American Association for Advancement of Science on purchase order P0049924 but Renee' changed the vendor settings after it was discovered.
Renee's exact words were:
Every vendor has to have a default distribution set in order for the PO to complete. If it hits our Invalid Distribution workflow approval folder then Jeremy or I set to Manual distribution, which just means the dept. will distribute in their own manner (ordering online, sending out an email, fax, hand delivery, etc).
On this one, the fax fed over from the vendor set up on the AP side, which is rare but sometimes they do provide AP a fax or email for vendor set up. This is just an automated issue, as the fax or email is in Banner and when we sync the vendor/address over to BKB everything comes with it. I’ve amended this vendor to be manual distribution. Very few vendors provide fax or email on their set up forms, so this is normally not an issue, but does arise every now and then. We just explain to the vendor the issue and then Jeremy or I go back into that vendor and set them as manual.
Testing firm orders in BearKatBuy Test system--approximately July-September 18, 2015
We are going live with BearKatBuy and entering the following blanket POs into Production BearKatBuy starting 9/21/15
Firm Orders
$400,000 firm order budget for FY2016 (all of this is in the 151800/470002/40 FOAP-- $100,000 is in the 720 pool and $471,535 in the 770 pool. However, from the $471,535 I moved $29, 113.55 to the 720 pool for short-term loans, $89,436 to e-journals, and $102,985.45 to databases leaving $250,000 for non-electronic firm orders.)
2/1/2016: Banner shows adjusted budget of $250,000 in the 770 pool and $140,629.98 in the 720 pool (which includes $40,629.98 for STL and $100,000 for other electronic firm orders.) The total for all pools is $390,629.98. (We had to reduce the $20,866.45 that was carried from FY15 to F16 for short-term loans by $9,370.02 that was put back into the library fund balance.) In order to have more money for STL we reduced the firm order budgets by $7986 ($100,000 - $7986 = $92,014.00) and increased STL budget by $7986 (i.e. $40,629.92 + $7986= $48,615.98). This does not change the amount that is in the 151800.470002.720 pool ($92,014 + $48,615.98 = $140,629.98).
Replacements and Texana - These are firm order accounts but they have their own university accounts and are allocated in Sirsi separately from the other firm order subject funds.
Standing Orders
Learn the types of requisitions and how to approve/reject requisitions.
Types of Requisitions:
To receive on Purchase Orders you will have to find the Purchase Order that has beencompleted for your requisition. From your home screen go to the Orders & Documents button on the left side of the screen and do a search documents.
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