Types of Materials
The library collection includes many types of materials such as:
Some of these materials are given as gifts to the library. Some are also government documents and materials that the library digitizes. The Acquisitions Department does not handle those materials and they are not included in this discussion of the library material budget. The library's Acquisitions Department deals with resources that are purchased for the library collection.
There are some items that are paid for by the Library Business Manager but unless those items are added to the library collection and are made available to all patrons, they are not included in the library material budget discussed here. Also, not included here are what are referred to as bibliographic utilities or services which are used by staff to do their work such as YBP's Gobi database, Baker & Taylor's Title Source, OCLC cataloging service, EBSCO Usage Consolidation Service--these are paid by the Library Business Manager.
As of fiscal year 2015, the Library Business Manger has also begun paying for binding (for books and journals) and preservation services (microfilming of the Huntsville Item and Houstonian).
Types of Purchasing
Firm Orders - one-time payment for material. Example: a book costs $100 -- the book is ordered, the book and an invoice for it is received, the invoice is paid, the book is added to the library collection. Nothing further is done with the order or payment. Variations in the selection of titles in recent years include:
Standing Orders - order is placed with the vendor for a title so that whenever an edition of the title is published, the vendor automatically sends the volume to the library with an invoice for that volume. The order carries forward from one year to the next.
Subscriptions - order which covers one year of issues or service is placed with the vendor for a title (usually a journal or a database). The invoice is sent and paid at the beginning of the subscription term. Issues are sent or online access is provided without any other invoices for the remainder of the term. Orders are renewed for the following term. Order number remains the same from year to year as long as the format or service remains the same.
Based on Texas law, our library is exempt from the university purchasing department authority which means we can place orders for our materials directly with our vendors instead of having the purchasing department (now called Disbursements and Travel Department) place the orders for us. We use the Sirsi Acquisitions system to record our orders, purchases and payments. However, the actual payments are made by the university. We enter information about the invoices (which are considered to be 'orders') into the university's financial system (Banner). The Accounts Payable and Controller Offices then make the payments to the vendors.
Sirsi Funds, Budgets, Purchase Order Numbers, and Vendors
Sirsi funds and orders have been designed to indicate how the resource is purchased and in some cases the type of resource.
Firm orders:
Standing Orders:
There are 3 major types of subscriptions: journals, databases, and e-book subscriptions. At this point in time, e-video subscriptions are treated as databases.
Types of University Funding
The university has different sources or types of funding. The main types of funds that affect Acquisitions funds are:
The Banner Chart code is "S"
Institutional Fee - fund 150101 (all student fees including the library fee were combined into an Institutional Fee as of FY2021)
Designated Tuition - fund 140100 - no longer used for library materials as of approximately FY2018
HEAF (Higher Education Assistance Fund) - fund 120400 - no longer used for library materials as of approximately FY2018
A few more specialized funds are:
Joe L and Sallie Clark Texana - 310417
Xerox Machine Library (part used by Acquisitions Department is for Book Replacements) - 183100
Money in these funds is further divided by Organization, Account Code (which is related to the format or type of material), Program, and Pool (which is tied to the Account Codes)
Organization Codes & Corresponding Funds, Pools, Account Codes, and Program Codes
NOTE: The Account Codes listed below changed when we began using BearKat Buy in FY2016. TLO 4/7/2022
See: Library Materials Budget>NGL BearKatBuy - live starting 9/21/2015>NGL New Account Codes
The organizations are based broadly on the purchase types mentioned above:
470000 Newton Gresham Library (used with Texana fund 310417) for materials for the Library's Texana Collection
470001 Library Exp and Equipment (used with Xerox Machine Library--Book Replacements fund 183100)
470002 Library Books (used for all types of one-time purchases with funds 151800, 140100, and 120400)
470004 Library Serials (used for journals with funds 151800 and 120400)
470006 Library Standing Orders (used with 151800 fund)
470008 Library Fee Capital Expense (use for databases and e-book subscriptions with fund 151800)
See the Cognos Budget Availability Ledger Report of University Funds for the Library
A Cognos report can be run and saved as an Excel file which will show all of the library FOAPS (funds, organizations, account codes, program codes) and amounts in each one. The data is current as of the day before the report is run.
This report should be run and saved when updating the Library Materials Budget Report .
The accounts used by Acquisitions will need to be extracted from this report since it will include accounts used by others in the library such as the Library Business Manager.
Annual Statistical Reports - Influence on Fund Reporting
For many years the library has had to provide expenditure information and counts of various types of library materials for the Academic Library Survey and/or the IPEDS report. These reports collect information based on the library's fiscal year which is September 1 of one year to August 31 of the following year. The categories for which expenditure information is requested usually do not match exactly with the categories for which count information is requested. The focus below is on the expenditure categories.
The construction of funds in the Sirsi Acquisitions system and use of the university accounts have been designed to help provide the expenditure information needed by the IPEDS/Academic Library Survey.
Primary distinctions:
Below are categories for which IPEDS requested expenditure information for fiscal year 2014 and which has been formatted in an NGL library report called the Library Collection Expenditures Report. The FY2014 report calls for only the 4 totals highlighted in red below without regard to whether the materials are physical or electronic. However, in previous years the IPEDS/Academic Library Survey reports did ask for a breakdown of costs for physical versus online resources. Since our library funds have been set up to report by format, and since the university's financial system also makes a distinction between physical and online formats, the following report still reports by format and then combines those for the totals requested on the FY2014 IPEDS report.
Update 4/7/2022 TLO--With BearKatBuy we cannot roll money forward to the next fiscal year. We have to spend it. For some vendors we have been able to set up deposit accounts (e.g. YBP Gobi for e-books and Kanopy for streaming media) so we can pay into the deposit account at the end of the fiscal year and then use that money for items selected during the following fiscal year.
The exception is the Joe L & Sallie Clark Texana account:
Interest from Endowment Accounts—Joe L & Sallie Clark Texana (310417/470000)
If this money is not used during the current fiscal year, it must be encumbered so that it will carry forward to the new fiscal year, otherwise the university takes it and it is no longer available to the library
State accounts
Local account: Designated Tuition (140100)
If this money is not used during the fiscal year and is not encumbered, it rolls into the library’s fund balance and can be pulled back out and transferred into the student use fee accounts or copy services accounts in the new fiscal year.
Local accounts—library income:
Notes from talking with Jackie Conrad 8/26/14—TLO)
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