Budget Transfers FY2017
1/3/2017: $24,962 from unallocated databases money in 151800-470008-720-40 to STL 151800-470002-720-40 because low on STL money. Projected need for $90,000 for STL--allocated $50,000 of that to books, anticipating that the Director would be able to move $50,000 from library fund balance to library material accounts but this can't be done until we spend down our other accounts.
FY2016 money not spent (most will roll back into library fund balance but HEAF may be taken by the university.)
TEX (Texana) remains in fund 310417.
151800 Lib Fees | 8,905.08 |
140100 Des Tuit | 67.42 |
120400 HEAF | 16.51 |
Subtotal wo REP | 8,989.01 |
183100 REP | 461.97 |
Subtotal incl REP | 9,450.98 |
310417 TEX |
6,862.05 |
Please make the following changes to the database blanket POs. I have an invoice from Proquest for Ulrich’s Web for which there is not enough encumbered on the blanket PO.
Mergent Blanket PO P0048492: disencumber the remaining $2,177.00-- Completed 8/22/2016
When the Mergent money has been disencumbered, add $709.00 to Proquest Blanket PO P0048513 which currently has $2,841.00 encumbered.--pending 8/22/2016. That will give a total of $3,550 (which is the total for the Ulrich’s Web invoice.)
I am adjusting the FY16 Sub Payment Records spreadsheet to show these adjustments but we can’t pay the Proquest invoice until the adjustments have actually gone through on Banner.
Trina and Michael,
As of this morning, August 18, 2016, the overall free balance in Sirsi for the F- funds is $363.81. However, the free balance in the STL fund (F-LIB-EB-STL) is $6372.50. Also, the free balance for the F-LIB-ACQ fund is $5082.00. Basically, we have used up the STL and ACQ money and $1290 for PDA on print YBP orders because Trina is short by about $11,250 for YBP Print. (For FY2017, it may be better to keep the STL money separate from the regular F funds by changing it to G-F-LIB-EB-STL. Then it will not be included in the free balance of the other F funds. We could also do that for the ACQ money. The PDA money is harder to track since it is divided up among all the subject funds so have to leave that as is.)
Anyway, to have the money needed for YBP Print, Trina and I have talked about taking the following steps.
Trina will balance the firm order Sirsi and Banner accounts because we are seeing a difference of $166.93 in the overall expenditures. There is also a 75 cent difference in the print encumbrances. (Trina just found the $166.93 difference – P-card orders that have not posted to Banner yet.) (Trina found the 75 cents and is fixing it.)
Trina will ask Lucy to go through the orders that are currently on order for YBP Print ($2697.78) to see if any are not currently in stock (i.e., status has changed from ‘in stock’ to ‘order available’ meaning it is not currently in stock.) Lucy will cancel with YBP and in Sirsi the orders that are not in stock. This will give us a better idea of how much we will need for YBP Print orders that we can really expect to receive this fiscal year.
Trina will cancel the Harrassowitz orders ($42.00) with the vendor and in Sirsi and re-place the order in FY2017. (Ok with Bruce.)
For Baker, of the $41.23 encumbered, there is one order that is being shipped for $21.59. Trina will cancel the other order with the vendor and in Sirsi and replace it in FY2017.
Trina will do a change order to disencumber $6,372.50 from the BKB Proquest STL blanket PO and $1290 from the Proquest PDA blanket PO for a total of $7662.50. This will be added to the available $370.22 of One-off EBK money for a total of $8,032.72. After the change orders are processed, Teri will request a budget transfer of this $8,032.72 from the 720 electronic pool (151800/470002 account) to the 770 print pool to use that money for YBP Print. This will leave zero in the 720 electronic pool. With this being the interim between semesters, we do not expect much more activity for STL and PDA. However, any other invoices that we do receive can be paid from either from the money remaining from the $69,000 in the database account or possibly from the standing order account if we don’t receive more invoices for Gale e-standing orders (current balance of $3151.52). Trina does not have any other e-book orders pending nor does Zach in terms of e-book package deals. I told Zach that we will have to wait until next fiscal year for any new e-book orders.
In Banner there is $3,779.42 in the firm order print free balance (one-off print). Of this, only $21.59 will be needed for the Baker encumbered order and $166.93 for the P-card orders. Trina will use $3569.25 to add to the YBP Print blanket PO.
After the $8032.72 is transferred from the 720 pool to the 770 pool, we will do a final calculation of how much needs to be added to the YBP Print blanket PO. This transfer was completed by 8/22/2016.
From: Walker, Trina
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 4:01 PM
To: Oparanozie, Teri <LIB_TLO@SHSU.EDU>
Subject: Firm Orders
This should be the last of the transfers for this fiscal year for FO. Here is a breakdown of how things are looking:
2697.78 |
10150.80 |
12848.58 |
400.94 |
0.00 |
400.94 |
42.00 |
0.00 |
42.00 |
41.23 |
0.00 |
41.23 |
3181.95 |
10150.80 |
13332.75 |
The remaining balance on the YBP Blanket PO (P0048485) is $1610.75. So, I will need $11,237.83 added to this PO (we can round it to $11,250). There may be some cancellations, so the encumbered amount is subject to change.
In response to Trina's email, we made many budget adjustments. See the 2 Excel files below for details.
Here is the email:
Will you have a chance to look at the FO and SO budgets before you leave on Wednesday? Money will need to be transferred to cover invoices coming in this week and next week. Here is a breakdown of how things are looking:
Total Encumbered (FO) = $20,833.85
The only blanket PO that will need money is YBP (P0048485). The current balance is $3569.86 with a shortage of $16,235.86.
As for SO, I have three YBP invoices that I need to pay that totals $4,711.18. The total left on the blanket PO for YBP SO Print (P0048487) is $594.81 leaving a shortage of $4116.37.
Hope this all makes sense.
As listed in the attached Excel file for Standing Orders listed below, the three budget transfers for Standing Orders have been processed so Trina will be able to encumber $10,000 for print YBP blanket PO to pay current invoices for $4,711.18 and have money for other invoices for the remainder of FY2016., TLO 8/8/2016
Email to Trina 7/18/2016
Hi, Trina,
In BKB, please disencumber $13,281.98 from EBSCO Blanket PO P0048494 for print journals.
Also, disencumber $5,392.37 from EBSCO Blanket PO P0048493 for e-journals.
Then we will be transferring $21,000 from print journals (151800-470004-770-40) to databases (151800-470008-720-40) and $5,000 from e-journals (151800-470004-720-40) to databases (151800-470008-720-40) for a total of $26,000.
Michael, this is less than the original $33,600 because we should be receiving an invoice around 8/15/2016 from EBSCO for CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION e-journal for $6995 that we will be paying this fiscal year (FY2016.) I originally thought we wouldn’t get the invoice until FY2017.
Trina, please let us know when these change orders are complete.
(The above information is based on July 15, 2016 Budget Update file - see the "Print JR 151800" and "EJ 151800" tabs in the file.)
7/20/2016 update: Ann H says we can spend $22,000 for one-time purchase of Mergent Manual archives so some of the money from journals will be needed for firm orders. Also, before moving the journal money I am going through the print journal orders that are encumbered in Sirsi for the remainder of the year because some of those probably need to be canceled/cleaned up.
I looked at this with Trina. In addition to the $9956.71 invoices for YBP print orders that Trina has for this week and next week, there is $11,691 of orders encumbered for which she will also need money. I think the best thing to do for now is to move $17,000 from the e-book pool to the print pool to add to the YBP print blanket purchase order. This will require transferring money on the university accounts which you and I can try to do in your account to see if your access works; i.e., $17,000 from 151800-470002-720-40 (e-book pool) to 151800-470002-770-40 (print book pool). However, first Trina is doing a purchase order change request to disencumber the $17,000 from the YBP E-Book Blanket PO (P0048485). She will let us know when that goes through and then we can do the university accounts budget transfer. $17,000 has been disencumber from YBP e-book blanket PO and Michael was able to request budget transfer from e-book to print book pool (J0068051 7/19/2016).
This will leave about $1585.76 in the YBP E-Book Blanket PO. If we need more for YBP ebooks, we can start taking some from the $7480.44 one-off ebook available balance, which will NOT require a university account transfer.
Likewise, if we need even more money for YBP print books for future orders, we can take some of the $6,957.82 one-off book available money which will NOT require a university account transfer.
Trina and I also looked at year-end university deadlines and the amount of money in the free balance for firm orders. In your email from June 5 about Cut Off Dates for Orders, we had told the bibliographers that July 25 would be the deadline for submitting orders. If we have not encumbered all of the money by then, Trina and I think it would be ok to extend the deadline another 2 weeks which would be August 8. Trina said the orders she places with YBP the week of Aug. 8 should arrive the week of August 22 which should be enough time to get invoices sent to the university by their Aug 29 deadline. (Michael and I just talked about this and decided it is best to wait until July 25 and see at that point if the deadline needs to be extended. This would mostly affect Susan Strickland and the money she has left for placing orders and also the $5000 in the F-LIB-ACQ fund that Michael has been holding for STL that may not be needed for short-term loans.)
From: Walker, Trina
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 12:01 PM
To: Hanson, Michael <hansonm@shsu.edu>; Oparanozie, Teri <LIB_TLO@SHSU.EDU>
Subject: Firm Orders
Michael and Teri,
I will not have enough on the YBP Print Blanket PO (P0048485) to cover invoices for this week and future invoices. The current balance on this blanket PO is $2900.34. Total of invoices to be paid this week and next week is $9956.71 (a shortage of $7056.37). There is $10,957.82 in the print one-offs. It looks as though right now I will need about $4000 of this money to cover invoices for one-offs that are already on order, which will leave a balance of $6957.82 for future one off purchases.
On the YBP E-Book Blanket PO (P0048484), there is a balance of $20,154.48. The total of outstanding e-book order that will come from this PO is $1568.72, leaving a balance of $18,585.76.
There is a remaining balance of $11,606.44 for one-off ebook purchases for secondary vendors. The total of outstanding e-book orders that will come from this money is $4126.00, leaving a balance of $7480.44.
I’m thinking we may have to either disencumber money from the YBP E-book PO or move money from the 720 to 770 to cover print invoices.
I tried to be as accurate as possible so we will know what we need to do. Let me know your thoughts.
Zach talked to me this morning about 3 e-book textbooks that the School of Nursing wants to have the library order which would be a 3-year license for $8000. Zach is still in the process of talking with Ann Holder and others about this. Nursing would transfer the money to our library accounts. I told Zach the Nursing can put the money into 151800/470002/720/40 account (preferrably) or 140100/470002/720/40 (we have been using this account for database purchases but we can use it for firm order if necessary). Zach also needs to clarify whether the $8000 would be invoiced this year to cover all 3 years. At the end of the 3 years we will have to check with Nursing to see if they want to pay more to extend the license.
The library would have to host the e-books but Zach checked and it is possible for us to do the hosting.
$80,000 for Houston Chronicle Historical Archive (one-time purchase and ongoing hosting fee)
Purchasing 1901-1985 but some years are still being digitized. 1901-1963 currently available. Using $80,000 from library fund balance which will be added to 151800/470002/720 account. The remaining $1,660 is from current acquisitions firm order account 151800/470002/720. In Sirsi I moved $1660 from F-SOC to F-HIS-OT budget and added $80,000 for fund balance money to F-HIS-OT budget. (With Michael's permission, Teri moved $1660 from F-SOC to F-HIS-OT because Susan Strickland said she will not need all of the $8106.98 free balance in the F-SOC fund.)
Annual hosting fee of about $2378/yr starting in FY2017.
The money was actually added to the account on 7/6/2016.
$69,000 added to databases 151800/470008/720/40 account on 7/6/2016 from Library student fee money.
Based on the following analysis, please update your FO BKB spreadsheet showing that you are moving $5,000 from ONE OFF EBKS EVIDEOS to PROQUEST-PDA. You can use a note like “Adjustment for PDA (6/10/16)”, similar to what you did for the 5/8/16 adjustment. We do not need to move any money in the university accounts since the money is already in the correct pools. We don’t need to change the Sirsi funds either because the PDA and one-off e-books/evideos are both allocated in the F-xxx funds rather than being allocated to PDA or EBKS/Evideo funds You will have to increase the Proquest PDA blanket purchase order in BKB by the $5,000.
On Feb 1 we added $5,000 to the PDA budget and have obviously used that up. I looked at our spending based on your Excel spreadsheet for PDA versus One-Off Ebks/Evideos for Feb 1 to June 10, 2016. We only spent $663.86 more for PDA than for One-off EBKS/Evideos but the spending for the PDA has been spread out a little more evenly.
PDA: Feb $1,733.21; Mar $1,124.09, Apr $3,477.32, May $719.68, June 1-10 $445.91 for total of $7,500.21. If we maybe spend another $1000 in June, $2000 in July, and $2000 in Aug = $5,000
One-off Ebks/Evideos: Feb $5.544.54, Mar $831.82, Apr $263.99, May $196, June 1-10 $0 for total of $6,836.35
We have a remaining balance in One-off Ebks/evideos of $19,512.97 so moving $5,000 of that to PDA will leave $14,512.97. Obviously, we won’t need all of that for One-Offs but it serves as a placeholder for the money.
The other place we spend money on Ebooks is YBP-EBKS. It has a remaining balance of $20,770.85. The spending there has been:
Feb $1,399.97, Mar $5,814.17, Apr $4,630.93, May $690.00 and June 1-10 $0 for a total of $12,535.07.
I also looked at what we spent overall on PDA in FY2015 ($10,732.63) versus what we have spent so far in FY2016 ($14,624.50). So we have already spent more this year than last year.
From: Walker, Trina
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 10:05 AM
To: Oparanozie, Teri <LIB_TLO@SHSU.EDU>; Hanson, Michael <hansonm@shsu.edu>
Subject: Proquest-PDA Blanket Purchase Order
Michael and Teri,
I will need funds added to the Proquest PDA Blanket PO (P0048685). The balance as of today is $375.50.
Trina Walker
Journal MoneyTransfers and Budget Update
We didn't have enough in the EJ 151800-470004 pool 720 to pay BioOne $17,407.80 invoice.
Print Books -YBP Blanket PO adjustment
On May 20, 2016, Trina reported: I will need funds added to the YBP Blanket PO (P0048485). The balance as of today is $3515.99. The total of invoices for next week’s shipment is $13,698.75.
May 23, 2016: YBP blanket PO P0048485 is for print books from YBP. With the invoices Trina mentioned we need $10,182.76 to cover them. Trina and I talked about how much more we might need for YBP print for the rest of the fiscal year. In Workflows we looked at vendor YBP-EDI for print and could see that we have an additional $15,688 encumbered for orders that haven’t been received yet. The $13,698.75 invoice has already been invoiced in Sirsi so the $15,688 is in addition to that. Trina and I agreed that for now we would increase the YBP blanket PO by $40,000 which will leave about $14,000 for new orders for YBP-Print. It can always be changed again later if we need more.
We have $58,472.22 in One-Offs for print books. This is the best place to move money from to add to YBP-Print. It does not involve actually transferring any money in the university accounts or reallocating any funds in Sirsi. It just involves making changes on Trina’s Excel spreadsheet for how we have the print book money allocated. Trina will subtract $40,000 from the One-Offs worksheet leaving about $18,000 there and add $40,000 to the YBP-Print worksheet and do a PO change in BKB to add the money to P0048485.
The One-Off spreadsheet serves as a placeholder for money that we haven’t allocated to a blanket PO, in addition to being the money used for actual one-off vendors.
We may need to transfer some One-Off print money to EMS for Bruce’s music scores when the EMS blanket PO gets low. We don’t anticipate having many actual one-off vendor orders for the rest of the year.
This covers information Michael presented at the Tech Services Management Team meeting.
The $300,000 or so salary money from unfilled positions will not be given to the library because we have fund balances from student fees (about $376,000 of which $124,855 has been already allocated for use this year FY2016) and from the copy room money. Ann Holder wants to spend down the fund balances so in the future the library will be able to get more funds from VP. In general the money should be used for one-time purchases because this funding is not ongoing. However, there are a few exceptions. Priorities are:
Student fees are the only monies we can carry from FY2016 to FY2017 according to Ann Holder. We need to spend out our accounts this year for the most part.
Database and E-Book Subscription University Accounts
Ann Holder also directed that we spend the remaining money in HEAF 120400-470000 ($23,261.32) and Designated Tuition 140100-470002 $50,000 as soon as possible.
Michael, Trina, and Teri met in Teri's office.
$57,255 in Sirsi F-LIB-ACQ fund which came from $54,855 extra Student Fee money in March 2016 plus $2400 that was already in ACQ will be reallocated as follows:
$10,000.00 → F-LIB-EB-STL
$2,000.00 → F-AGR
$5,100.00 → F-ART
$4,000.00 → F-BIO
$2,000.00 → F-CHM (Chemistry)
$5,000.00 → F-COM (Computer Science)
$2,250.00 → F-DRA
$6,000.00 → F-ENG
$2,000.00 → F-FOR
$2,500.00 → F-MCM
$1,000.00 → F-PHL
$1,000.00 → F-REL
$8,500.00 → F-TEC
Total: $51,350 (Plus remainder in F-LIB-ACQ $5,905 = $57,255)
Trina's spreadsheets and BearKat Buy blanket purchase orders
Michael is emailing the affected bibliographers to let them know how much is being added to their funds, what the balance was previous to the additional money (some had negative balances) and the total new balance after including orders that Lucy currently has on hand that she will be placing against those funds.
Michael and Teri to talk about allocations to accounts for FY2017 budget from Jackie Conrad
Notes for FY2017:
See revised notes from March 15, 2016 budget meeting
Looked at budget projections for FY2017. Talked to Ann Holder about projected shortfall of $187,393. Divided the shortfall among print books, e-journals, and databases. Michael is updating the file Jackie sent and will add notes about our decisions.
$124,855 money from Student Fees: Michael and Teri met to discuss how to distribute new money among the Acquisitions' accounts. This does not include more money we may get from unused salaries. Jackie has money from Student Fees to give to ACQ 3/22/2016: $124,855 |
Michael and Teri decided to divide it up as follows: | ||||||||
STL based on $5000/mo for March-Aug 2016 (6 months) | 151800 | 470002.720 | |||||
$40,000.00 |
Databases $20,000 shortage plus $20,000 inflation on remainder enc $387,000 as of 3/15/16 |
151800 | 470008.720 | |||||
54,855.00 |
Firm order print but not advertising to bibliographers yet |
151800 | 470002.770 | |||||
Have enough in print journals to cover shortage in e-journals. Need to look at transfering this money to correct pools. 3/28/2016 The money was added to ACQ accounts in Banner.
FY2016: 5/5/2016 TLO--The $54,855 of the student fees that was added to the print 151800/470002 pool was added in Sirsi to the F-LIB-ACQ fund in March 2016. There was already $2400 in ACQ so with the $54,855 additional the total was $57,255 in ACQ. Michael is now distributing $41,350 of this to several of the subject funds plus $10,000 to STL and leaving $5905 in ACQ (which is $3505 from the $54,855 and the $2400 previously in ACQ). On Trina's spreadsheets, $10,000 will be moved from One-Off Ebks/E-videos to STL because we don't expect to need the $29,000 that is in the One-Offs for the rest of the year. No money needs to be transfered in Banner. |
Michael and Teri met on March 15, 2016 because Ann Holder was having a meeting with the VP Academic Affairs to provide a budget projection for FY2017. We had to do some fast calculations because we only had about 2 hours to prepare the information for Ann.
Teri created a folder on the Tech Services drive in the Materials Budget & Reports/FY2016 folder called "Budget Projection FY17". She ran Sirsi fund nesting reports and purchase order reports to use for the projection. A summary of the figures Michael and Teri came up with is in the file "Budget Projection FY2017 estimate summary_withPercentages" and summarized below.
Ann wanted to leave the $350,000 firm order subjects budget without an increase and use a 5% increase for subscriptions.
The beginning budget for FY2016 without carried FY2015 money was: $2,928,985
The budget projection we came up with was:
Firm order subjects budget: $350,000
Short-term loans: $80,000
Total firm order: $430,000
Subscriptions (including Standing Orders) with 5% increase: $2,655,434.25
Total Firm Order and Subscription: $3,085,434.25
We then calculated what percentage of the budget is being spent on print versus electronic and got:
82% electronic and 18% print
Looking at the above figures on 3/17/2016, I noticed that we included $12,400 for Replacements in subscriptions rather than firm orders.
Firm orders should be:
Firm order subjects budget: $350,000
Short-term loans: $80,000
Replacements: $12,400
Firm Order Total: $442,400
Subscriptions (including Standing Orders): $2,642,414.25
Total Materials Budget: $3,084,814.25
For the calculation of the print versus electronic percentages, we forgot to include Standing Orders which are about $150,000 print and $50,000 electronic. This would make the percentages for the entire material budget: Electronic 78% and Print (non-elect) 22%
The FY2017 budget amounts we came up with from the Sirsi fund nesting reports mistakenly did not include Standing Orders.
$3,139,400 - $3,085,434 = $53,966
Streaming media (e-videos) for which a $150 annual fee is paid to Kanopy (for e-videos already on Kanopy) to access/host the e-video (rather than purchasing the video from another vendor and paying only a $39 hosting fee to Kanopy)
New/deleted firm order funds in SIRSI
Library Materials Budget shortage--Michael will/has talked with Ann Holder about this:
FY2015 University inventory: $1335 difference between Acquisitions calculations and (Heather) Property Dept's 738900 account code report
Springer's update about DDA project being offered for 1 year only due to Springer/Nature merger
Budget adjustments
Library of Congress electronic fund transfer fee of $25 for Cataloger's Desktop and Classification Web--how to handle in Sirsi. Teri called Library of Congress and found out that this fee is for international transfers only; no fee for domestic fund transfers.
Naming convention for invoice files
BearKatBuy Update
Teri showed Michael, Trina, and Zach the information she added to LibGuides about the testing of BearKatBuy.
We looked at the BearKatBuy Test system, the Banner test system called BANWEEK, and the BearKatBuy production system..
In Banner we looked at FGIBDST, FGIBAVL, FGIENCD, and FOIDOCH
We looked at the proposed BearKatBuy Product Description and Catalog Number codes
Renee’ has completed a form for library Acquisitions Dept to use that does not get routed through the Procurement Dept. It is in the BearKatBuy Test system and is called “Library Order Form Newton Gresham Library”. This form is for the “one-off”smaller vendors for which we will not be doing a blanket purchase order. When the form is used in the production system, Renee’ will need a list of library personnel who will be allowed to use it, other university staff will either not see it or be locked out of it. I think Renee’ said she will try to get this new form added to BKB production server by Tuesday next week, Sept 15. Trina and Kat will try to test it before then. (Teri will be on vacation tomorrow and Monday, Sep 9 and 14.)
The top 20-30 library vendors have been added to the BKB production system. If we need to add others we can do so when creating the purchase order using the instructions that were provided – if it is a vendor we used in Banner we should list the Banner vendor ID and the supplier name. New vendors also need to have W-9s attached.
Renee’ is trying to meet with Lisa Lucas today about the new library account codes (727601 through 727607) so that the purchase orders do not get routed to IT. 727600 will be routed to IT.
(Jackie, there was some note from Lisa about 728400 being Personal Property – Animals Expensed that you had been using for Data Processing Services [bibliographic utilities]. Have you figured out what to do about that?)
I talked with Trina, Kat, and Zach this morning about the following list of blanket POs to set up for testing the firm order funds. The test system should now be pulling against the FY2016 budget so hopefully these amounts will work: (see above)
I asked Renee’ what it would look like in Banner if we had a blanket PO with 2 lines using 2 different account codes; for example, 738900 for $100,000 for print books which is part of the 770 pool and 727601 for $50,000 for ebooks which is part of the 720 pool. She said if you look at FGIBDST you will see the amounts showing up in the commitment column for the appropriate pool. If you drill down, the same PO number will appear in each list of commitments. It will also show up in FGIENCD as 2 lines (sequence 1 and scroll down to see sequence 2.) However, I think for our purposes it is better to have separate POs with separate FOAPs.
Teri--Fiscal Year-End Update:
FY2015 remaining orders and invoices:
FY2016 Budget Projection on Tech Services drive:
Action Items:
For FY2016 budget:
Baker and Taylor is getting out of the academic market and all our B&T accounts will be transitioned to YBP except for physical media (Baker Audio acccount). Transition within next 6 months but we will stop ordering regular books from B&T in FY2015
Book funds
Standing orders
Participants: Teri, Kat, Zach, and Trina
FY2016 budget notes from Jackie Conrad:
Replacement book fund money for FY2015:
Probable budget transfers before the end of FY2015
Update from Jackie for end of year money:
Teri is working today on some discrepancies in Sirsi journal funds - some e-journal orders have print funds in them. Hope to clear these up and balance Sirsi with Banner and Jermie's excel spreadsheet today.
Trina updated the Library Materials Budget report as of July 1 (on Tech Services drive). Teri showed this report and noted that over ALL accounts there is $7,875.58 available even though there is a shortage for journals. (This does not take into account increases in prices for subscription materials which may not be recorded in Sirsi orders.)
Teri will put procedures on LibGuides about how to transfer money between Banner accounts (Jackie can help as well.) Teri and Kat are authorized to do this.
Firm order Invoices we know should be coming before the end of the fiscal year:
AMS (American Mathematics Society) - NGL is a member through our Math department -- e-book lecture series backfile (Ann Holder has the license)--Zach will get information to place order in Sirsi
Actually, the library pays a membership fee through serials which is needed for us to have the Mathscinet database but I think AMS treats it as as a departmental membership because AMS doesn't have library memberships per se. (This note was added after the meeting--TLO)
Trina said librarians have not been turning in many order cards even though she has asked. If we have a faculty meeting next week, Teri/Zach remind librarians that e-books are a good way to get the material because you don't have to worry about them being out of stock. Also, bigger e-book package orders or one-time database/e-journal backfiles are other ways to get larger amounts of money spent fairly quickly.
PDA options from various publishers
Compustat database--Kat has sent changes in the license to the vendor to review
Participants: Teri, Zach, Trina
8/14//2017 Firm orders:
8/14/2017 Standing Orders
8/18/2017 Databases and STL
Easybib now free - I just canceled the order in Sirsi. | $6,353.00 | ||
SciFinder Patent Pak - Michael canceled this. I am canceling the orderline in Sirsi | $2,165.00 | ||
Oxford Bibliographies, no $3000 hosting fee until Jan 2018-I updated Sirsi order | $3,000.00 | ||
No longer paying an ebrary $1500 hosting fee because part of TexShare Ebook Central subscription - I updated the Sirsi order | $1,500.00 | ||
8/21/2017 EB Subscriptions
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