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Tabletop Game Collection

How to Play Video


Viticulture box cover art with a couple holding grapes in a vineyard with a house and structure in the distance.

In the game, you find yourself in rustic, pre modern Tuscany, where you've inherited a meager vineyard. You'll have a few plots of land, an old crush pad, a tiny cellar, 3 workers.and the dream of owning the best winery in Italy. Your job is to allocate your workers and helpful visitors to complete various tasks throughout the year. Each season is different on a vineyard, so the workers have different tasks they can take care of in the summer and winter. There's competition over those tasks, and often the first worker to arrive at each one has an advantage over the rest. Using those workers and visitors, you can expand your vineyard by building structures, planting vines, and filling wine orders as you work towards the goal of owning the most successful winery in Tuscany.

The chart indicating Viticulture requires 2-6 players, recommended player size for the best game time is 3-4, plays in 90 minutes, features Economic and farming themes, and offers Contracts, hand management, turn order: progressive, and worker placement Mechanics



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