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Tabletop Game Collection

How to Play Video

Rules of Play

Pick Your Poison

Pick your poison box cover art with a black box and a small white oulined bottle with purple liquid inside forming a skull shape in the middle.

Everything good comes at a cost. What are you willing to live with? Win by playing your best perk and poisoning your neighbors.

Each round of play starts by choosing a judge. The remaining players will play a perk face-down(a white card that contains "good stuff") that they think the judge will like. After every player plays a perk, the players continue to play poisons face-down (a green card that conversely contains "bad stuff") on their neighbor's perks.

After everyone has played their cards, it's time for the judge to read all the choices aloud and pick his poison! The winning perk gets a point and play continues by rotating the role of the judge.

The chart indicating pick your poison requires 3-16 players, recommended player size for the best game time is 6-8, plays in 30-60 minutes, features Card game, humor, and party game themes, and offers hand managment, player judge, simultaneous action selection Mechanics



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