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Tabletop Game Collection

Mancala and Oware

Mancala open board picture with the board and pieces set up for a game.

Mancala is thousands of years old, tracing its lineage to ancient Egypt. Legend has it that workers played the game during rest periods while building the pyramids. But the game is great for modern times as well--it has gained new popularity as one of the world's most intriguing and clever two-player games. To start, place all the stones in the pockets of the board. When it's your turn, choose a pocket and scoop up all the stones in it, then drop them back into the pockets one-by-one as you circle the board. With just a few easy rules to follow, the object is to collect the most by the end of the game.

The chart indicating Mancala requires 2 players, plays in 10 minutes, features Abstract themes, and offers Mancala Mechanics


International Game


Origin: Ancient Egypt

Oware (Different Version of Mancala)

Origin: Ghana


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