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Tabletop Game Collection

How to Play Video

Rules of Play

The Spill

The Spill box cover art depicting an oil spill and people trying to rescue sea animals including a sea turtle as well as pelicans and other wildlife.

Offshore rig, DeepWell•4, has blown out and the rupture is spilling crude oil into the ocean at an alarming rate! Your response team must work together, using your individual talents to avert an ecological disaster, one which threatens to contaminate marine life and devastate the ecosystem. The situation is dire and escalating by the minute, so there is no time to waste.

  1. Contain the oil flowing from the rig
  2. Remove what oil you can from the waters
  3. Rescue the marine animals

The world is watching. The fate of the coast is in your hands!

The chart indicating Spill requires 1-4 players, recommended player size for the best game time is 1-2, plays in 50-60 minutes, features Animals, dice, environmental, and nautical themes, and offers action points, cooperative game, finale ending, solo, solitaire game, sudden death ending, and variable player powers Mechanics



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