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Tabletop Game Collection

How to Play Video

Brazil: Imperial

Brazil: Imperial box cover art has three historical looking figures surrounded by images of a waterfall, Spanish sailing ship, and indigenous people.Take on the role of one of the great monarchs of the past, and show your valor! You will arrive in a vast and rich territory, but the road to prosperity is filled with challenges. In Brazil: Imperial, you need to construct buildings, manage resources, explore the land, create trade, acquire the support of the greatest personalities of the country, and recruit a powerful army to protect your interests against the rival states. If you make the right choices, you can complete missions to progress to a more advanced era, receiving new and interesting options for development and victory points. In the end, the best monarch receives the title of Brazilian Emperor and constructs a new era of prosperity, freedom and peace!

The chart indicating Brazil: Imperial requires 1-4 players, recommended player size for the best game time is 4, plays in 100 minutes, features city building, civilization, exploration, industry/manufacturing, and territory building themes, and offers card play conflict resolution, contract, grid movement, modular board, once-per-game abilities, open drafting, solo/solitaire game, tile placement and variable player powers Mechanics



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