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Tabletop Game Collection

How to Play Video

Rules to Play


Peptide box cover art shows different colored amino acids and other cell structures used in creating proteins in the body.Peptide is a strategy card game modeled accurately around the process of building a protein chain! Throughout the game, players compete to collect amino acids and the matching mRNA nucleotides, then link those amino acids side by side to increase the length of their protein chain and score points. Each round, a number of organelle cards are flipped face up in the center of the table for all players to see. Players take turns selecting organelle cards that either provide resources or allow players to build onto their protein chain. The player with the protein chain worth the most points at the end of the game wins.

The chart indicating Peptide requires 2-5 players, recommended player size for the best game time is 4, plays in 30-45 minutes, features educational and medical themes, and offers hand management and open drafting Mechanics.



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