All of Us Research Program

This guide provides information about the All of Us Research Program

Precision Medicine

The diverse All of Us database, which is a part of the Precision Medicine Initiative, is intended to inform studies on a multitude of health conditions.

Precision medicine is individualized care that considers the environment, lifestyle, family health history, and genetic makeup of a patient. It acknowledges that certain treatments work differently for people with different backgrounds, treats patients as individuals, and can reduce health care costs by providing the right treatment the first time.

Learn more about precision medicine in this video.

Health, N. I. (2021). All of Us Research Program Overview . Retrieved from National Institutes of Health All of Us Research Program: 
Opportunities for Researchers. (2023). Retrieved from National Institutes of Health All of Us Research Program:

Fact Sheets about Genomics

Fact Sheets about Genomics

The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has produced this series of fact sheets to explain complex concepts in genomics research to a non-scientific audience. Teachers, students and the general public alike will find the materials clearly written and easy to understand.

Medicine and Your DNA

Some genetic variants, or differences in your DNA, cause your body to process a medicine more slowly than the average person. This may mean that you need less of a medicine or that it stays in your body longer. Other variants cause your body to process a medicine faster. That may mean you need a larger dose or that it leaves your body faster.

List of genes and drug interactions considered

Hereditary Disease Risk

Hereditary means something that is, or can be, passed down from biological parents to kids. Genetic variants, or differences in your DNA, can be hereditary. Some can affect your health. People who have certain genetic variants may have a higher risk of getting a disease than the average person. All of Us can provide you with a report about your hereditary disease risk.

Hereditary Disease Risk Report Gene List


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