SHSU's Data Use and Registration Agreement (DURA) allows all campus researchers to register for full access to all 3 tiers of the All of Us dataset.
The All of Us Research Program’s centralized, secure, cloud-based platform allows researchers across a wide range of settings and institutions and at all stages of their careers (e.g., students, early-stage investigators) to execute rapid, hypothesis-driven research with just a computer and an Internet connection. All of Us facilitates equity in access in a deliberately inclusive way, creating a demographically diverse researcher cohort.
The Basics of the ALL of Us Dataset
All of Us Institutional Review Board (IRB)
As a single IRB, the All of Us IRB is charged with reviewing the protocol, informed consent, and other participant-facing materials for the All of Us Research Program. The IRB follows the regulations and guidance of the Office for Human Research Protections for all studies, ensuring that the rights and welfare of research participants are overseen and protected uniformly.
IRB 101
What is an IRB?
An IRB, or Institutional Review Board, is responsible for reviewing and approving research to ensure that the rights and welfare of human participants are protected.
Federal regulations define a participant, or human subject, as “a living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research obtains (1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or (2) identifiable private information.”
Before the program could begin to recruit and enroll participants, the All of Us IRB had to approve the All of Us protocol and materials
Key takeaways for the researcher: potentially large and representative sample sizes with highly granular data; tools for searching and using this data; and no IRB approval required to use the data. Note: SHSU upon request will provide IRB review for any research proposals.
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