Often a variety of primary documents are collected together into a book (usually related to a time period, topic, or theme).
Below are just a few broad collections in the Library; each book contains many original documents.
(Note: many of these books will contain both primary and secondary content, so use your judgement or ask a librarian for help in distinguishing the two).
This video will give a quick demonstration of several tricks to help you locate primary sources in the library catalog.
1. Use the keyword "sources" in the subject row
2. Along with your topic keywords, add the keywords "documents OR documentary"
3. Along with your topic keywords, add keywords for specific kinds of sources (correspondence, diary, manuscripts, etc. - just separate them all with OR)
4. Click on Exact Search, Enter a person's name (backwards), and click subject. Browse for and click on subjects that include words like correspondence, manuscripts, sources, etc.
These other library research guides may also be of interest:
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