Main profile page can be customized with a biography and links to a CV or other important pages or profiles. Name variants may be clarified. Email address may optionally be made public or kept private.
Profile can summarize not only publications, but also education, employment, funding, and other diverse types of experience and recognition.
Works can include not only "big" items like books, chapters, and refereed journal articles, but also columns, reviews, conference presentations or posters, and so forth.
Google Scholar allows researchers to create and customize a profile page, which compiles information about a researcher's publications, how frequently they have been cited, and the researcher's employment and research interests.
Google uses its data to automatically begin and automatically maintain your profile, adding publications and tracking citations over time; however, you also have full control to manually correct and change your page and publications.
In practice, you might think of ResearchGate like an alternative to LinkedIn that is designed specifically for researchers and academics.
This is a for-profit service (as is; read the Terms of Use carefully to know what you are agreeing to when you share your information or your publications on this site.
The ResearchGate platform supports: sharing your publications; collecting statistics about publication views, downloads, and citations; finding colleagues with whom to collaborate; and asking and answering research questions among peers. The site even includes job-hunting features.
BE CAUTIOUS: Your ResearchGate profile will easily let you incorporate citations to your published works and will also allow you to upload full text. Be sure that you know what your publication agreement allows before you upload a file.
You may be allowed to share the "pre-print" version (prior to review), or the "post-print" version (after peer review and revision, but prior to copyediting, formatting, etc.), but not the published version--or you may have greater or lesser restrictions. Every publisher varies.
Check out the Author's Rights resources in this guide for more on this topic.
ImpactStory uses your ORCID unique author identifier to construct a profile of your publications and various metrics related to them, including tweets on Twitter, mentions in blog posts, and downloads in the Mendeley citation manager.
Your ImpactStory profile displays "badges" to recognize certain achievements in global reach, readership, and openness, making it a fun and contemporary way to highlight key pieces of the story of your research products.
ImpactStory places an emphasis on openness in particular, assigning an OAscore based on what percentage of your publications are freely available online. Your work's openness is another way to tell the story of yourself as a researcher.
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