If you have questions about the GAIL conference, please email us at GenAIinLibraries@gmail.com.
Thank you to Technology-Enhanced Learning and Online Strategies (TLOS) and University Libraries at Virginia Tech for providing licensed access to and support towards the Zoom Events platform for the 2024 Generative AI in Libraries (GAIL) Virtual Conference.
Recordings and slides of 2024 conference sessions (when presenters permitted sharing) have been made openly available via YouTube (recordings) and OSF Meetings (slides).
2024 Call for Proposals
You are invited to submit a proposal for the inaugural Generative AI in Libraries (GAIL) virtual conference. This year's theme is Prompt or Perish: Navigating Generative AI in Libraries. GAIL is a virtual conference aimed specifically at librarians. This conference seeks to explore the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in libraries. It is also an opportunity for librarians to share their experiences with generative AI technologies and their applications in the library setting. Scheduled to take place June 11, 12 & 13 from 1-4pm EDT each day, the GAIL virtual conference aims to promote a deeper understanding of how generative AI can revolutionize library services like instruction, research support, collection management, access services, outreach and collaboration, while also addressing the challenges and ethical considerations this new technology brings to libraries. We welcome submissions from librarians, researchers, educators, and practitioners working in libraries or related fields. Submissions are now being accepted for 15- or 45-minute presentations, panel discussions, or demonstrations on topics related to generative AI and its applications in, and implications for libraries, including but not limited to:
Submission Guidelines
For inquiries or further information, please contact: GenAIinLibraries@gmail.com We look forward to receiving your proposals and engaging in insightful discussions at the conference!
Sincerely, Your Generative AI in Libraries (GAIL) Committee