notes: |
(1) | 140100 | 470002 | 738900 | 40 |
Designated Tuition - print books |
140100 | 470002 | 727600 | 40 | Designated Tuition - eBooks | |
(2) | 151800 | 470002 | 738900 | 40 | Student fees - print books |
470002 | 727600 | 40 | Student fees - eBooks |
notes: |
(1) | 140100 | 470002 | 738900 | 40 |
Designated Tuition - print books |
140100 | 470002 | 727600 | 40 | Designated Tuition - eBooks | |
(2) | 151800 | 470002 | 738900 | 40 | Student fees - print books |
470002 | 727600 | 40 | Student fees - eBooks |
notes: |
(1) | 140100 | 470002 | 738900 | 40 |
Designated Tuition - print books |
140100 | 470002 | 727600 | 40 | Designated Tuition - eBooks | |
(2) | 151800 | 470002 | 738900 | 40 | Student fees - print books |
470002 | 727600 | 40 | Student fees - eBooks |
notes: |
151800 | 470006 | 738200 | 40 | HEAF - print SO |
151800 | 470006 | 727600 | 40 | HEAF - eSO |
Replacements, Texana & Patron-Driven-Acquisitions (PDA)
notes: |
140100 | 470002 | 727600 | 40 | Designated Tuition - PDA (PQ) ebooks |
183100 | 470001 | 738900 | 90 | Replacements - print books |
310417 | 470000 | 738900 | 40 | Texana - print books |
Late Fees Charged in Banner—Procedures for Updating SIRSI to Match Banner
The Prompt Payment Act, a Texas state law, states that interest will be charged to state agencies such as SHSU by the State of Texas and sent to the vendor if a payment is made later than the date the material or invoice was received, whichever is later, plus 30 days. Acquisitions will not be aware of these late fees until after they occur and are discovered by looking at our accounts on Banner. We do not receive any notification about them from the university.
So that SIRSI will match Banner concerning these fees, the following procedures are proposed:
Late fees are linked to pool 720 regardless of whether the original invoice/order was paid as 738900 or 727600 or any other account code.
Because the late fee in Banner will not necessarily correspond to the original order’s fund code in SIRSI, the fund used in SIRSI for late fees will be coded at a very generic level. For firm orders the fund ID is F-LIB-FEE
Fund level 1: Firm order
Fund level 2: FEE
Fund level 6: 780600 (corresponds to Banner account code)
Fund levels 3, 4, and 5 will be blank
The fee will be entered in SIRSI as an invoice linked to the fee fund. Linking it to the order will throw off the balancing between Sirsi and Banner. By linking the fee to the fund as an invoice, when you display the fund you will be able to display the invoices and see what the fees were for and what FOAPs they were on, etc.
Since more than one invoice may be attached to the payment approval, use the Banner journal voucher number as the invoice number; e.g., J0037306
Vendor ID: use original vendor paid on the payment approval
Use the Activity Date of the journal voucher as the invoice date in Sirsi
Fiscal cycle: Fiscal cycle in which the fee was assessed
The invoice amount will be the fee amount
In the invoiceline notes include:
Use journal voucher number as the invoice number.
Use original vendor. Use Activity Date of the journal voucher as the invoice date and fiscal cycle of the year the fee was assessed.
Occasionally vendors send refund checks for materials that Acquisitions has paid for but for which the material is no longer available or the subscription has been canceled, etc.
If the vendor is one that is paid frequently during the year, it is preferable to request a credit memo rather than a check for the refund. Credit memos can be used at our convenience and can be handled in our regular payment routine.
However, if the vendor is not paid frequently during the year, there may not be an opportunity to use a credit memo against a future payment. In this case, requesting a refund check is preferable.
General information and Procedures:
When a refund check is received, first determine what the original payment was for (i.e, the original invoice number, amount, title, purchase order number) and what FOAP and fiscal year it was paid in. You may have to contact the company which sent the check to obtain some of this information. Refunds should be deposited into the same FOAP from which the original payment was made, if possible. Money cannot be deposited into previous fiscal year funds--only into current fiscal year funds, regardless of when the original payment was made. If you are not able to obtain all of this information the first day the check is received, keep the check in a locked drawer or office until it is ready to be deposited. Checks of $50 or more must be deposited with 24 hours.)
Refund checks must be deposited into a university account via the library’s Technical Services department.
Trina Walker, Hilda Murillo and Lucy Carnegie, are currently responsible for depositing money for the library and will handle refund checks as well.
Write a note with the FOAP, vendor, and what type of materials the refund is for (e.g. databases, electronic journals, print journals, books, etc.) to give to Trina Walker, Hilda Murillo and/or Lucy Carnegie. Scan a copy of the check and the note to keep for Acquisition’s files and give the originals to Trina, Hilda or Lucy.
A Sundry Sales Receipt will need to be filled out. Usually the Director's Office, Access Services, Photocopy Department, and Interlibrary Services have supplies of the Sundry Sales Receipts and the receipt must be signed by the person who has the receipt book (e.g. Jackie Conrad, Stephen Strubing, Teresa Burress, or Sarah Greenmeyer, or Kara Mathis) and not the Technical Services person who is making the deposit. However, the Technical Services person will provide the description for what the refund is for (e.g. Refund for databases) which will be written on the receipt along with the name of the entity who provided the check, the amount, and the Dept is "Library." The Technical Services person will take the yellow copy of the Sundry Sales Receipt.
The Technical Services person will enter the FOAP, amount, and Detail Code/Tender into the TouchNet electronic web deposit system. The Detail Code will be MISC. (Sarah Goines, Bursar Manager, can be contacted if assistance is needed in determining what Detail Code/Tender to use.) The physical check is endorsed with the library stamp, put into a locked bank bag with the yellow copy of the Sundry Sales Receipt, and the rest of the library deposits, and carried to the Bursar's Office. The Bursar's Office will provide a deposit receipt slip showing the total of the deposit which will be stapled to the Report for Deposit and given to the Library Business Manager (Jackie Conrad.)
If the original money was paid from a HEAF (state) fund from the previous fiscal year, it will need to be deposited into a local fund in the current fiscal year. Send an email to Karen Hlozek (HEAF funds) with the amount of the refund and the FOAP and fiscal year from which the original item was paid and ask what FOAP the check can be deposited into. (Regardless of whether the money is put into a HEAF (state) or local account, it will have to be put into the current fiscal year.) Others who may be able to help are Sarah Woods, Associate Controller, and Wilbert Hightower, General Accounting Coordinator,
Balancing Banner and Sirsi Information:
In Banner, the FOAP should be monitored to see that the refund does appear in the account within a few days of when the check is deposited.
Within a day or two of when the deposit is made, check Banner to see if the refund is appearing on the FOAP. It will probably appear as an expenditure with a negative amount. Instead of the vendor name, it may say "[date refund check was received] /Refund", Type: CB1; Document number beginning with an F.
A refund into the FOAP will increase the balance available. Check to see if the expenditures in the FOAP were decreased—this will usually show up as a negative amount when looking at the expenditure transactions.
If the refund in Banner decreased the expenditures of the FOAP, then in Sirsi, treat the refund check as though it is a credit invoice:
Scan the check information and notes and save the file in the payment folder. Name the file similarly to the way invoice files are named but add REFUND before the invoice number (which is the number on the check): Vendor_ (type: LIBDB, EJ, JR, etc.)_REFUND_check number. If the original vendor was EBSCO but the refund is from a publisher, you can name the file using both EBSCO and the publisher name; e.g. EBSCO_VendomeGroup_JR_REFUND_56583 and save it in the EBSCO vendor folder.
In Banner, if for some reason the refund does not decrease the expenditures but just increases the allocation in the fund , then in Sirsi it may be necessary to adjust a fund budget by increasing it by the refund amount rather than adding a credit invoice. Give an explanation in the fund “extended information” field about why the fund allocation was increased including information such as the FOAP into which the refund was deposited in Banner and the original purchase order number in Sirsi, if any.
Depending on the reason for the refund, other actions may need to be taken for subscriptions and standing orders, such as creating a Closed Title form on the Technical Services drive or in CORAL if the title will no longer be published.
Teri Oparanozie created 2/28/14, rev 5/22/14 (KLM), rev 11/17/2017 (TLO), 7/30/2018 TLO
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