Many of the resources in this toolkit were developed by the NIH DMSP Guidance Working Group of over 25 information professionals whose goal is to collect and create implementation guidance for the NIH DMS Policy to help researchers and research support staff (e.g. librarians, offices of research, etc.).
PLAN & DESIGN: Plan processes from onboarding to project closure and data resources
COLLECT & CREATE: Organization and integration of data sets and collection processes
ANALYZE & COLLABORATE: Processing and analyzing data should be collaborative and documented
STORE & MANAGE: Each stage of the Biomedical Data Lifecycle revolves around the management of data storage
EVALUATE & ARCHIVE: Identify essential research records and evaluate for retention
SHARE & DISSEMINATE: Establishing and supporting the reach and impact of your data
ACCESS & REUSE: Ensuring the broad utility of your research data efforts for other researchers
Research Data Lifecycle by LMA Research Data Management Working Group is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Interested in using our lifecycle? The outer second tier can be customized with text and number of segments 2, 3, or 4, to meet the needs of different Harvard Schools and data teams. Contact us for more information.
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