Master of Science in Athletic Training Resource Guide

This guide provides resources supporting success for the Master of Science in Athletic Training Program


NNLM Toolkit for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy

Many of the resources in this toolkit were developed by the NIH DMSP Guidance Working Group of over 25 information professionals whose goal is to collect and create implementation guidance for the NIH DMS Policy to help researchers and research support staff (e.g. librarians, offices of research, etc.).


  • Final NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing
    • This policy requires all applicable research funded by the NIH to include a two-page "Data Management and Sharing Plan" that describes how the scientific data will be managed and shared.
  • Policy Readiness Checklist for Librarians
    • This policy readiness document created by the NIH DMSP Guidance Working Group is intended to be used by librarians who will be assisting researchers with the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy.​​
  • Genomic Data Sharing Policy
    • The NIH is working on harmonizing the requirements of the DMS Policy with this existing Genomic Data Sharing Policy. Genomic data sharing considerations should be described in DMS Plans using the DMS Plan elements and will be reviewed by NIH Program Staff. More details can be found in NIH notices NOT-OD-22-198 and NOT-OD-22-029.

Data Management and Sharing Plans

  • Writing a Data Management and Sharing Plan
    • Information provided by NIH about what needs to be included in a Data Management & Sharing Plan.
  • Data Management and Sharing Plan Checklist for Researchers
    • ​​​​​​​This checklist created by the NIH DMSP Guidance Working Group addresses the six required elements in the NIH policy.
  • The Data Management Plan Tool (DMPTool)
    • This is a free, open-source, online application that helps researchers create data management plans (DMPs). The tool in includes a template for the NIH DMSP and the DMPTool Blog provides up-to-date information on the DMPTool.
  • Draft Data Management and Sharing Plan Template
    • The NIH released this preview of the DMSP format and plans to provide a final fillable format version soon.
  • NIH Sample Data Management Plans
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The NIH has provided sample DMPs that are consistent with the expectations in both the NIMH and NIH Notices. These include examples from clinical, human and non-human genetics, and secondary use DMPs.
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Example DMS Plans
    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This example DMP directory was compiled from researchers, institutions, libraries and workgroups who shared their data management plans online from 2012-2022. It is intended to help researchers comply with the new NIH policy and will not be updated after publishing.

Data Sharing



  • NCDS On Demand Webinars
    • ​​​​​​​This webinar series introduces the NIH requirements for data management and sharing, including “practitioner perspectives” – i.e., data librarians sharing their opportunities, barriers, methods, and successes as they work toward improving data management practices at their institutions.
  • NNLM Research Data Management On Demand
    • ​​​​​​​If you would like to learn research data management in general, you can explore topics such as open science and data science, data curation and documentation, data security, storage and preservation, and data sharing and publishing in these classes that you can take at your own pace.


NIH Scientific Data Sharing

Biomedical Data Lifecycle

  • PLAN & DESIGN:   Plan processes from onboarding to project closure and data resources

  • COLLECT & CREATE:   Organization and integration of data sets and collection processes

  • ANALYZE & COLLABORATE:   Processing and analyzing data should be collaborative and documented

  • STORE & MANAGE:   Each stage of the Biomedical Data Lifecycle revolves around the management of data storage

  • EVALUATE & ARCHIVE:   Identify essential research records and evaluate for retention

  • SHARE & DISSEMINATE:   Establishing and supporting the reach and impact of your data

  • ACCESS & REUSE:   Ensuring the broad utility of your research data efforts for other researchers

Creative Commons License Research Data Lifecycle by LMA Research Data Management Working Group is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Interested in using our lifecycle? The outer second tier can be customized with text and number of segments 2, 3, or 4, to meet the needs of different Harvard Schools and data teams. Contact us for more information.

Data Curation Network

Data Curation Network

As professional data curators, data management experts, data repository administrators, disciplinary scientists and scholars we represent academic institutions and non-profit data repositories that steward research data for future use.


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