Scholarly Authoring & Presenting Guide

This guide will help you better understand the structure and composition of a scholarly article.

Poster Printing at SHSU

Posters can be printed at competitive prices in the SHSU Library. We require a minimum of 48 hours to complete a print job. A 25% discount is available on poster printing requests for SHSU faculty and staff members and university departments. View sizes, prices, and policies below:


Many researchers will find themselves presenting on their research findings before publishing. What do you need to know about academic research presentations?

Preparing Research Posters

If presenting in person, keep in mind:

  • Important information should be readable from about ten feet away
  • Title and text sections are clear and concise
  • Limit number of colors and fonts
  • Selected graphics should be high-quality and high-resolution to print well and not look grainy

If presenting virtually, keep in mind:

  • Just because viewers aren't standing ten feet away, don't make them squint at tiny print on their monitor
  • Content should still look clean, uncluttered, and readable
  • Use of color should still be selective and thoughtful


This short video from the Gibson D. Lewis Health Science Library is a great illustration of basic poster design principles:

What Software Should I Use?

It depends on what programs you already know or want to invest time in learning. may be a good choice for a free, browser-based tool that's easy to learn.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a good choice if you are already familiar with Microsoft Office programs, and it's available from SHSU. 

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign are good choices for higher-level design, and they are also available from SHSU.

Free Poster Templates

Free Images for Posters

Don't overdo it on your poster with busy background images that will distract readers. If your only images are your own study-related figures, that's fine! But if you find yourself needing an illustrative photo to make a research finding more clear, these resources may help.


Avoid Predatory Conferences

Predatory or "vanity" conferences prey on researchers' needs to present their findings. They can cause a researcher to waste funding, lose legitimate conference opportunities, and possibly even lose copyright to the research they submit.

Conference Paper Presentations


Alternative Academic Poster Format Proposed by Mike Morrison


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