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SPED 3307 Behavioral Assessment, Intervention & Evaluation
General Resources
Special Education in Secondary Schools by Mickey LosinskiPublication Date: 2017
This textbook provides information on the practice of teaching special education in the secondary schools. Research-based practices are explained for supporting student functioning in language arts, math, and other content areas.
SPED 2301 Intro to Exceptionality
Special Education: A Beginner's Guide to Serving All Students by Cindy Watson; Jennifer Cantu; Nancy TerryPublication Date: 2017
Intended to be both a starting point and an ongoing reference source for educators new to service of special needs students, this book seeks to instill a sense of direction, pride, and accomplishment as you take some early steps toward effectively serving special education learners. Explore the foundational legislation and laws that protect and support special needs learners to establish how these safeguards can become real and vibrant in your daily policies and procedures. Learn who participates in the decisions regarding what free and appropriate services are crucial for each student and what your specific role is in that process. Explore what special needs students can achieve through individualized accommodations and modifications.
- Copyright Applies
- PDF free to use; paper book available for a fee
Introduction to Special Education Textbook by Sherese Mitchell and Jacqueline M. DiSantoIn this course, students will: 1. Define terms commonly used in special education. 2. Detail the historical perspectives in the field. 3. Discuss the major issues and trends in special education and its relationship with general education. 4. Define established classifications of exceptionality in relation to the principles and practices of least restrictive environments. 5. Establish best practices in inclusive education.
- Open License: CC-BY-NC-SA