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CIEE 2333 Becoming a Teacher
CIEE 3335 Science Instruction In Elementary Grades
Humanizing Science through STEAM Challenges by E.J. Bahng and John M. HauptmanPublication Date: 2021
"In a science methods course during the Covid19 pandemic, 51 future elementary teachers authored children's books and then read them aloud as part of a giving-back, service-learning activity as Open Educational Resources (OER). The 51 children's stories and their accompanying audiobooks aim to integrate STEM and the Arts to humanize science and scientific inquiry with history and philosophy of science in mind."
Resources for Teaching Elementary School Science by Smithsonian Institution Staff; National Academy of Sciences Staff; National Science Resources Center StaffPublication Date: 1996
What activities might a teacher use to help children explore the life cycle of butterflies? What does a science teacher need to conduct a "leaf safari" for students? The guide annotates about 350 curriculum packages, describing the activities involved and what students learn. Each annotation lists recommended grade levels, accompanying materials and kits or suggested equipment, and ordering information. The entries in the curriculum section are grouped by scientific area--Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, and Multidisciplinary and Applied Science--and by type--core materials, supplementary materials, and science activity books.
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- PDF free to use; paper book available for a fee
A Framework for K-12 Science Education by National Research Council, Committee on a Conceptual Framework for New K-12 Science Education StandardsPublication Date: 2012
A Framework for K-12 Science Education outlines a broad set of expectations for students in science and engineering in grades K-12. These expectations will inform the development of new standards for K-12 science education and, subsequently, revisions to curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development for educators. The overarching goal is for all high school graduates to have sufficient knowledge of science and engineering to engage in public discussions on science-related issues, be careful consumers of scientific and technical information, and enter the careers of their choice.
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- PDF free to use; paper book available for a fee
Design, Selection, and Implementation of Instructional Materials for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) by Holly G. Rhodes (Editor)Publication Date: 2018
As states and districts move forward with adoption and implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) or work on improving their instruction to align with A Framework for K-12 Science Education, instructional materials that align with this new vision for science education have emerged as one of the key mechanisms for creating high-quality learning experiences for students. In response to the need for more coordination across the ongoing efforts to support the design and implementation of instructional materials for science education, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a public workshop in June 2017. The workshop focused on the development of instructional materials that reflect the principles of the Framework and the NGSS. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.
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- PDF free to use; paper book available for a fee