Research Data Management Guide

This guide is intended to assist you in topics of planning, collecting, cleaning, preserving, and and sharing research data.

Secondary Analysis Resources

A Few Considerations in Evaluating Data:

  • Completeness / Extent of missing data
  • Data collection methods
  • Data quality measures such as reliability and validity
  • Availability of a contact person

Adapted from "Evaluating Data Sets," Rutgers University Libraries


@Namaste Data provides this helpful model for contextualizing data which can also help us to evaluate its quality and its appropriateness to our purpose:

Infographic from Namaste Data posing questions regarding data context

Image credit: Namaste Data, email newsletter, 27 June 2024


Models for evaluating published works can also sometimes be helpful in determining before use that existing data is reasonably accurate and objective:

Some repositories can be used to find existing data which we can analyze or combine with other data.

However, we must take care and ensure that we understand the data we find: how it was collected, how to read and interpret it, and how we are permitted to re-use it.

You may wish to review the recording or slides below from a workshop on secondary analysis, provided by the SHSU Library in 2023.

General Datasets    

The sources below will help you find actual sets of raw data, not just aggregated statistics about the data.

Environmental and Geoscience Datasets    

These online datasets may be helpful or relevant to the study of Environmental and Geosciences. It is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all datasets available. Please contact the subject librarian for additional assistance. 

"Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park" by National Park Service


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