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Business Research: Project Management


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Lisa Shen
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Journal & News Articles

Industry Profiles & Financials

Industry Profiles


Industry Financials

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Search for articles, documents, books, etc. Includes legal opinions & journals. Links to full text owned by SHSU.

Industry Codes

Know the Industry Classification

Every industry has a classificaton developed by the US Office of Management and Budget.

(North American Industry Classification System)

(Standard Industrial Classification) 

NAICS is an update of SIC and provides more detailed industry breakdowns. Both systems are still in use, so knowing both codes will help you to more easily access information in a variety resources.

Find the Industry Classifcation of a Company

NAICS & SIC codes can be found in Company Profiles from
Mergent Online and 
Business Inisghts: Global 

Find Companies in a particular Industry

Mergent Online can generate a list of competitors for a company by NAICS or SIC codes
IBISWorld industry profiles (by NAICS codes) also list major companies in an industry

Match a NAICS code to an SIC code (& vice versa)

Use these Concordances from the NAICS website


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