Arabic-language literature and translations into English, as well as criticism, analysis, etc. of Arabic literature, is all located in the call numbers PJ7501 - PJ8517.
Note: Authors are listed according to common Western spellings of their names. Their name is linked to a list of their books in the SHSU library.
You might be interested in referring to this list of "Modern Arab Writers" to find more names and search for them in our library catalog. Keep in mind that the spelling used in our catalog may vary from the spelling found online.
We have a lot more than what you see on this page!
TIP: When searching for foreign-language book titles in the library catalog, do not include an article (such as "al," ال) which appears at the beginning of the title.
You can search for and read thousands of journal articles, literary criticism essays, and information about authors and literature in these databases. Off-campus users will be asked to login with their SHSU username and password.
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