Instructional Support Options @ NGL:
How can Faculty Request Instruction?
"Shared Instructional Loads" are a sharing of instruction requests across R&I. They commonly occur in:
In these instances, requests are received by the Instruction Librarian then shared with the team. Team members then select which sessions they can provide instruction for. Instruction requests pending instruction assignment can be found in the shared OneDrive spreadsheet on the Green (1st) tab: ‘Instr Ssns for Assgn’. Instructions are also on the same tab. |
NGL 225 & 226:
NGL 106 & 110:
Other Buildings:
Engaging Spaces:
Check out the How-to LibGuide:
Calendar of Library Internal Spaces You can book rooms on the backend, or use the front-end (click the "View Public Page" button; direct links below). If you book on the backend, make sure to click the "Optional: Complete Booking Form Questions" grey bar under your name and email fields to enter additional booking form information. Direct Links to Room Reservations
Please keep in mind that anyone can create booking on the frontend (we don't require login for the Library Internal location in case you're reserving rooms for someone else, etc.) So please keep the URL private and do not share it with outside parties. For privacy reasons, the front-end (public view) doesn't display other people's booking information (e.g. what the room has been booked for by whom). So for that, you need to access the information through the backend. |
When Scheduling a Session:
Plan Your Session:
24-hours Before:
Day-of Instruction:
At the close of your session, consider sharing the feedback forms with the participating students and faculty. Electronic Forms:
Links to librarian-specific versions of both forms can be found in the ‘Feedback Form Links’ (Green) tab in the Instr Session/Embedded spreadsheet in OneDrive. If you use these links, the feedback results will be sent directly to the indicated librarian's email. Paper Form (Student only) is linked below |
Reference Consults & One-to-Ones
Embedded Librarianship
Face-to-Face or Hybrid Instruction Sessions & Presentations
Synchronous, Virtual Instruction Sessions & Presentations
Desk Stats
Newton Gresham Library | (936) 294-1614 | (866) NGL-INFO | Ask a Question | Share a Suggestion
Sam Houston State University | Huntsville, Texas 77341 | (936) 294-1111 | (866) BEARKAT
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