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Teaching & Learning @ NGL

Scheduling Instruction Sessions

Instructional Support Options @ NGL:

  • Information on NGL's Instructional Support for Faculty & Instructional Staff is listed on the Services for Faculty page.
  • Includes: Info Lit Sessions, Embedded Librarian, Ref Consults, One-to-One Support, a blend thereof, in person, virtual, or hybrid.  

How can Faculty Request Instruction?

  • Faculty can:
  • Choose the method that best meets your needs.  Some librarians complete the request form for their faculty member and include themselves as the assigned librarian in the notes.


  • Groups that are requesting tours or workshops can complete the Tour Request Form, which is also on the Services for Faculty page.

"Shared Instructional Loads" are a sharing of instruction requests across R&I.  They commonly occur in:

  • first-year English courses,
  • courses lacking a subject librarian, and/or
  • large sessions (>30 students) that need additional support.

In these instances, requests are received by the Instruction Librarian then shared with the team.  Team members then select which sessions they can provide instruction for.

Instruction requests pending instruction assignment can be found in the shared OneDrive spreadsheet on the Green (1st) tab: ‘Instr Ssns for Assgn’.  Instructions are also on the same tab.

NGL 225 & 226:

  • 34 seats each (or 68 combined)
  • in a fixed, wired (with desktop computers), grouped setting, Zoom-capable, document camera, white boards, and more.


  • IMC (3rd Floor) seats up to 40 in a BYOD environment.
  • NGL Techs can set up a projector and screen for instruction (please provide 2 days' notice).

NGL 106 & 110:

  • These are ASC's instructional rooms; booking is handled by Michelle Seagraves.
  • Schedule with ASC FIRST; then list in our LibCal Spaces as "External" and include the actual room in the Notes so the Circulation Desks know where to direct students/profs.

Other Buildings:

Engaging Spaces:

Check out the How-to LibGuide:

Calendar of Library Internal Spaces

You can book rooms on the backend, or use the front-end (click the "View Public Page" button; direct links below). If you book on the backend, make sure to click the "Optional: Complete Booking Form Questions" grey bar under your name and email fields to enter additional booking form information.

Direct Links to Room Reservations
(Do not share these with non-NGL individuals)

Please keep in mind that anyone can create booking on the frontend (we don't require login for the Library Internal location in case you're reserving rooms for someone else, etc.) So please keep the URL private and do not share it with outside parties.

For privacy reasons, the front-end (public view) doesn't display other people's booking information (e.g. what the room has been booked for by whom). So for that, you need to access the information through the backend.

When Scheduling a Session:

  • Confirm that the session presents no personal schedule conflicts
    Request RefDesk coverage if an overlap on the calendar is your only option
  • Contact the instructor within 3 business days to introduce yourself, confirm the date & location, gather information about assignment, and iron out any special requests
  • If the session is outside library, visit the classroom beforehand to check the equipment & classroom configuration

Plan Your Session:

  • Plan your lesson - either as a full plan, an outline, slide deck, or whatever is most appropriate for your instructional style
  • Remember to include active learning / interactive elements. Not sure? Bounce ideas off a colleague!
  • Check relevant LibGuides and/or databases for changes/updates
  • If relevant, create handouts or online tools based on the instructor’s requests
  • Assemble instructional materials; make sure to include the feedback instrument
  • Consider and plan for an alternate teaching method should technology be down that day

24-hours Before:

  • Check databases for availability (technological problems); run through anticipated search to be certain it’s working right
  • Check library website and other online sites to make sure links are working, etc.

Day-of Instruction:

  • Arrive in the instructional space at least 10 minutes before the session
  • Check equipment to make sure it’s all working; report to NGLTech or IT@SAM if any problems
  • Rock the session!!

At the close of your session, consider sharing the feedback forms with the participating students and faculty.

Electronic Forms:

Links to librarian-specific versions of both forms can be found in the ‘Feedback Form Links’ (Green) tab in the Instr Session/Embedded spreadsheet in OneDrive.  If you use these links, the feedback results will be sent directly to the indicated librarian's email.

Paper Form (Student only) is linked below

Stats to Record

Reference Consults & One-to-Ones
What: Record interactions with individuals or small groups (not instruction sessions)

  • Record in our ‘RefConsult’ tool in LibAnswers;  
  • Answered by (your name); 
  • Appointment Type; 
  • Time Spent; 
  • Format; and  
  • Patron type.
  • Notes about the session are optional.

Embedded Librarianship
What: Record the course sections you’ve been embedded in (that you know of)
(Enter each course section only once. Interaction types can be updated throughout the semester; data is pulled 3-4 wks after each term)

/What to Include:

  • Record on the ‘Embedded’ (Yellow) tab in the Instr Session/Embedded spreadsheet in OneDrive;
  • Your initials;
  • Faculty member’s name;
  • Course information (ex: ENGL 3360.01);
  • Number of students registered (if known);
  • Indicate the (known) types of interaction(s) for that class with an ‘x’ (as per the 2/14/2020 R&I Mtg)

Face-to-Face or Hybrid Instruction Sessions & Presentations
 Record each instruction session or presentation that you led in- or outside the building, on or off campus, regardless of length (e.g., a quick 15 min intro or a 3+ hour block). Include presentations you have done in your capacity as a Librarian, even if at a non-SHSU off-campus event (ex: Rotary Club, Genealogical Society, Historical Assoc., etc.). If you’re not sure what ‘presentations’ to include, ask Michael or Heather. 
(Note: Remember to record details in the fields in the ‘Optional’ drop-down.)


  • Record on our ‘Spaces’ calendar in LibCal;
  • Location, Date, and Time;
  • Category (Library Instruction, SHSU Events, etc.);
  • Audience (Students, Employees, etc.);
  • Course (ex: ENGL 3360) -or- Event/Organization (ex: GUIA, ETHA, etc.);
  • Instructor or Point of Contact;
  • Headcount of Attendees (record after the session)

Synchronous, Virtual Instruction Sessions & Presentations
Record each virtual, synchronous, live instruction session or presentation that you have led, regardless of length. This includes synchronous instruction that may have occurred in an embedded course.  See #4 for F2F sessions.


  • Record on our ‘Synchronous Instr’ (Orange) tab in the Instr Session/Embedded spreadsheet in OneDrive;
  • Your initials;
  • Faculty member’s name;
  • Course (ex: ENGL 3360) -or- Event/Organization (ex: GUIA, ETHA, etc.);
  • Date, beginning time, and total length of the session;
  • Category (Library Instruction, SHSU Events, etc.) (there is a drop-down list);
  • Audience (Students, Employees, etc.) (ditto on the drop-down);
  • Headcount (from course registration numbers or actual headcount in Zoom)

Desk Stats
What: Record interactions with individuals or small groups at all desks / service points.  There is some variation in the data collected at each desk, so some prompts vary.

Where/How/Details:  Record. . . .

  • in our ‘LibAnswers’ tool
    using the Dataset appropriate to the desk
    (LSD, MLR, TWC, Archives, ThomRoom);  
  • Level (READ Scale) (see;
  • Time Spent; 
  • Answered by (your name); 
  • Format;
  • Type, Purpose, or Referrals (if applicable); and  
  • Patron type (if known/applicable).
  • Notes about the question / interaction.


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