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Teaching & Learning @ NGL

Explore.  Share / Create.  Reflect.  Repeat as Needed.

Explanatory Caveat:

This self-paced professional development guide was introduced to NGL through a Teaching & Learning @ NGL session in April 2020.  The directions for Self-Paced P.D. are listed on the "Past T&L @ NGLs" tab in this guide.  *There are additional tabs in this Guide to cover issues that arose after the initial Guide presentation.

This remains a self-paced guide for all faculty & staff in NGL to explore, as needed, and will be maintained by the Instructional Librarian with an invitation for others to contribute ideas via the Padlet embedded at the bottom of many of the tabbed pages in this Guide.


Say Hello with Flipgrid Podcasts Webinars Link to Balance & Self Care Engaging Learning Feedback


Shared Resources from the Team

Made with Padlet


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