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Teaching & Learning @ NGL

T&L@NGL Sessions

READ Scale & Ref Desk (re)Calibration

See the "Reference Interviews" tab for content & context:

To recap, here are the topics we discussed and their presenters’ shared resources:

Conference / Roundtable Recaps:
Instruction Reflections:

July 2023 session with Morgan Lutz, SSD

This was a follow-up, scenario-based session led by Morgan Lutz for all NGL faculty and staff interested in attending.  Resources mentioned in the session included:
- SSD Website:
- SSD Instructor Portal:
- (Student) Procedures to Request Services:
- Students of Concern Information: 
- Library Access Services Policies:

January 2022 session with Morgan Lutz, SSD

The session was open to all NGL folks and can be counted towards professional development hours and will be presented by Morgan Lutz, Accommodation Counselor with the SHSU Services for Student with Disabilities (SSD).  Morgan/SSD had originally develop the session for classroom teaching, but the info is applicable for anyone working with students on the spectrum. There will also be time at the end of the session for non-ASD related SSD questions.

Session info

As the university continues to grow, the neurodiversity of students attending our 4-year institution is also on the rise. This workshop will discuss common presentations of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and how to engage with both the strengths and weakness of such students in the academic process. We will share strategies for how professors can best manage the classroom, and provide evidence-based practices for creating universally accessible classroom structures and tailoring course lectures or assignments to fit the widest array of students’ abilities. Audience participation will be encouraged regarding example cases, and time for real-world situations and questions/answers will be given.

Taking Our Pulse
May 19, 2020

Part 1 - Ready, Set, Go!
• Watch:
• Reflect: Is it possible to become "Information Literate" in an hour?
• Share: Post your thoughts in Question 1 at

Parts 2 & 3 will help guide the development of content for future T&L @ NGL Sessions . . .

Part 2 - Concerns & Support
• Ponder: Consider your (personal) concerns about Instruction and Reference Services as we move into odd Summer & Fall.
• Share: Rank those concerns in Question 2 at

Part 3 - The Toolbox
• Wonder: If you were to incorporate an interactive technology tool into your instruction, what type of tool would you be most interested in learning?
• Share: Rank your interests in Question 3 at

Part 4 - For the Good of the Group
• Visit our Padlet (below)
• Share your favorite Podcast, Webinar, Article, or other item from the last few months. Include a link and/or title and what impressed you.

Tools used for this session: Zoom,, YouTube, Padlet, & SHSU LibGuides

Self-Guided P.D.
April 21, 2020

Start on the "Home" tab of this LibGuide for this activity.

Part 1 - Time: 5 minutes.
• Say "Hello" using the Flipgrid QR Code in the 1st quadrant of the "Home" tab graphic. (Sign into Flipgrid with your SHSU OneDrive credentials.)

Part 2 - Time: 8-10 minutes per Square / Station.
• Return to the "Home" tab and select / click one square / station. 
• Within that Square's page / tab, peruse the available resources and follow the instructions on that page / tab.
• Post a reflection, an "I wonder", or an "I like" in the Padlet at the bottom of the page in the corresponding column (i.e., column 1 for Square 1, etc.).
• Return to the "Home" tab.

Part 3+ - Repeat Part 2 using a different Square / Station on the "Home" tab.

Active Learning
January 28, 2020

PPT: "T:\NGL\R&I\Training\T&LinNGL\NGL RI TLF Jan_2020.pdf"

Part 1 - Round Up!
• Establish groups
• Menti Poll

Part 2 - Jigsaw Activity
• Read:
   Group 1: Can the Lecture be Saved?
   Group 2: This Professor Ends Class with a 'Hotwash'
   Group 3: How to Make Your Questions Essential
   Group 4: Don't Just Think Aloud, Think Along
• In your group, discuss 1-2 ways you could integrate the concept [from your assigned article] into Library Instruction (3min)

Part 3 - Share, Discuss, & Debrief

February 18, 2020

PPT: "T:\NGL\R&I\Training\T&LinNGL\T&L Qing 1.pdf"

Part 1 - The Whats
• Essential Questions
• Bloom's Taxonomy
• Webb's Depth of Knowledge

Part 2 - Partner Up!
• Supplies: Bloom's Handout, Paper/Post-in Note, Pen/Pencil
• Task: (1) Write ONE question that would be applicable in library instruction ("instruction" = ref desk, consults, classes, etc.). (2) Identify the Bloom's level of the question (1-6)

Part 3 - Paper Swap
• Supplies: Bloom's Questions (Pt 2), DOK Handout
• Task: (1) Trade Bloom's question's with another group. (2) Re-write the received Bloom's question unto a DOK question. (3) Identify the DOK level (1-4) of the new question

Part 4 - Share
• Share your Bloom's Q, followed by the matching DOK Q


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