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Instructional Materials Collection: Home

About the Collection

The IMC is a unique collection of resources designed to assist pre- and in-service educators as they strive to develop into highly effective teachers and generate positive change for schools.

The Collection is divided into two sub-collections:

  • The EC-12 Texas State Approved Textbook Collection (IMC-TB) includes teacher and student edition textbooks from the State of Texas adoption list. At its capacity, it will include core and elective subjects in K-9 from at least two publishers. For more information about the Texas textbook adoption process, please visit the Texas Education Agency Instructional Materials site.
  • The bulk of the collection is EC-12 Instructional Materials (IMC), monographs focused on educational practice in the EC-12 environment. Content includes curriculum guides, lesson plan books, activity and idea books, and guidebooks in all subjects.

For ease in developing solid curriculum development practices, the IMC is co-located with the Children's Literature Collection and a large group study instructional space.


The Instructional Materials Collection (IMC) is designed to support:

  • preparation of the roughly 2,000 pre-service educators (15% of the SHSU student body) in 38 EC-12 educator certification programs offered at SHSU;
  • EC-12 in-service educators in the surrounding communities, specifically public, private, home, and charter schools;
  • the needs of interpretive and education staff at local State and National Parks, museums, and historic sites; and
  • sponsors of local youth clubs, such as 4H and Boy and Girl Scouts of America.

Educator certification programs at SHSU are offered through the College of Education, College of Science, Engineering & Technology, College of Arts & Media, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, and College of Health Science.  Of the 38 certifications offered, the top initial certification areas in the last 10 years have been in EC-6 Core Subjects, Music (EC-12), Special Education (EC-12), Math (4-8) with ESL, Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (6-12), and Physical Education (EC-12).


The IMC is located on the 3rd floor of the Newton Gresham Library, on the northeast corner of the main staircase. Included in the space is a 48-seat instructional / group study area, reservable for instruction or other events.

Titles in the collection are arranged according to the Library of Congress Classification System (LCC) to match the organization of the Library's main collection.  To ease identification, item call numbers include the prefix "IMC", the main designation for the collection, or "IMC-TB" for the textbook collection.

All items follow the library's regular circulation guidelines - with the exception of the IMC-TB (EC-12 Textbooks), which follow a modified circulation.

Visit the CLC / IMC main page for navigation and parking information.

Your Friendly Librarian

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Misty Schattle


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