Alternative metrics, or altmetrics, are evidence of scholarship being discussed online. This includes links, shares, views, and downloads in social media, blogs, and other venues, which can demonstrate popular or societal impact in areas such as education, public policy, etc. Altmetrics are meant to complement more traditional article citation counts.
In choosing which metrics to report and how to report them, you must make decisions that best suit your work, your discipline, and your department. Altmetrics may be one element of telling your story; these resources will help you understand how to explain them and incorporate them into documentation.
Image captured 8-Sep-2022 from Dimensions
With this bookmarklet installed in your browser, one click will display altmetric data for an article you're reading on the web (your own work or someone else's). Article must include a Digital Object Identifier, or DOI, for the bookmarklet to work. Also be aware that stats from may only be accurate back to a 2011 publication date.
If you know an article's DOI (Digital Object Identifier), you can use it to look up PlumX Metrics for that article for free. Just add the DOI to the end of this URL:
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