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Scholarship @ SHSU-COM

Dr. Mario Loomis

Mario Loomis, MD

Chair, Clinical Anatomy

Dr. Loomis’s scholarly interest is in medical education, particularly optimizing the delivery of complex material by aligning it with natural learning mechanisms, and objectively assessing the success of such alignment. Along these lines, he is passionate about bringing his decades of clinical experience into the basic science classroom, moving beyond the clinical correlation box to the inspiration of wonder. He is also exploring optimal techniques of cadaver dissection for student learning.

Teaching Expertise/Interests






Research Expertise/Interests

Medical Education

Tumescent Dissection

Anatomical Variation

Cadaver-Based Learning

Selected Scholarly Works and/or Activities



  • Loomis M, Kistner G, Prabahkar D, Hines J, Loomis T, Hinojosa J (2023) Correlation of In-situ Hand Anatomy with Point of Care Ultrasound. Cureus 15(6): e40228.
  • Pavlovsky E, Kistner G, Loomis M (2023) A Persistent Median Artery Piercing the Median Nerve: a Review and Clinical Implications. Bull Natl Res Cent
  • Foskey J, Loomis M (2023) An Open-book Approach to Pelvic Dissection for the Male Genitourinary System. Cureus 15(5): e39257.
  • Wackerly R, Thomas K, Loomis T, Moeller D, Loomis M (2023) Anatomical Correlation for Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma. Cureus 15(4): e37714.
  • Loomis M, Staudaher S, Loomis T (2023) Improved Understanding of Clinical Correlates with In-situ Prosections. HAPS Educator 27:60-75.
  • Vinson C, Pavlovsky E, Loomis M (2023) Variant femoral nerve: the path beneath the iliacus muscle and into neuropathic symptoms. Bull Natl Res Cent 47:35.
  • Ramos-Alicea D, Marcano-Anaya J, Loomis M, Ramirez N, Quiñones-Rodriguez J (2023) Unusual Vascular Distribution in the Third Segment of the Axillary Artery. Medicina 59(5): 913.
  • Buch, R., Tran, M., Hinojosa, J., Wooten, D, Gokaslan, S., Moeller, D., Loomis, M. Harnessing the Near-Peer Effect in Anatomy Education. Med.Sci.Educ. (2023).
  • Loomis M, Hines J, Reynolds A (2022) Tumescence in cadaveric dissection: a teaching perspective. HAPS Educator 26:33-37.
  • Inspiring Wonder in a Neuroscience Curriculum, Poster, International Society of Medical Science Educators Annual Meeting, June 2020.

Invited Talks

  • Invited by The Vatican to represent The United States at The World Meeting of Families in Mexico City, 2009.

  • The Science of Stem Cells, Presentation at Good Counsel Homes Annual Meeting, New York, NY, 2010.


  • New York State Stem Cell Board, Finance Committee, New York, NY, 2010-2014.
  • Student Promotions and Academic Progress Committee, Member, Sam Houston State University College of Medicine, 2020-present.
  • IT/ Academic Advisory Committee, member, Sam Houston State University College of Medicine, 2020-present.

Selected Outreach Activities


  • Light of the World Charities, Volunteer Surgeon, Honduras and Nicaragua, 2008-2014.    

  • A Drop of Clear Water, Teen Support Group, Founder, 2005-2013.

Dr. Sefik Gokaslan

Sefik Gokaslan, MD

Dr. Gokaslan’s recent research interests focused on cardiothoracic and transplant pathology when he became a member of the thoracic pathology subspecialty team.  His most recent publications reflect his interest in developing better methods for further understanding and early diagnosis of humoral and cellular pathologic rejection in the heart and lung transplant samples. Dr. Gokaslan also recently collaborated with the radiology department and took part in the studies leading to better characterization of the radiologic and pathologic correlation of non-neoplastic interstitial lung diseases. As a cytopathologist, Dr. Gokaslan contributed to the cytology literature with publication of case reports and small clinical series of rare and newly defined entities with the aim of facilitating their diagnosis utilizing cytomorphology and ancillary studies. Dr. Gokaslan included many trainees in his scholarly work throughout his career and is very passionate about supporting medical student engagement in the future studies.

Dr. Jamie Hinojosa

Jamie Hinojosa, MD, MS

Dr. Hinojosa’s research interests are mostly within medical education which are: Application of anatomy to osteopathic manipulative techniques (OMT) and somatic dysfunctions, Human anatomical variations and application to surgical approaches, and Clinical application of musculoskeletal physical examination using donors.

Since arriving at Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic Medicine (SHSU-COM), he has collaborated with the Osteopathic Principles and Practice (OPP) department to create an innovative curriculum applying anatomy to OMT and somatic dysfunctions. Since then, he has collaborated with individual OPP clinicians and have involved medical students to assist with creating more innovative ways to increase the retention and understanding of anatomy as it relates to respective osteopathic manipulative techniques. 

Human anatomical variations have been studied since the late 1800’s and continue to improve our knowledge of human anatomy. His research focuses on applying anatomical variations to surgical approaches to provide awareness of the types of variations that can be found in the respective region of the body. The purpose of this type of research is to decrease the risk of injury when performing the respective surgery.

Traditionally medical students perform physical examinations on standardize patients and patients they see out in their clerkships. The limitation to this traditional method is the students do not get to see the pathology that makes those physical examination tests positive (i.e. positive drawer test, Lachman’s test, etc.) He designs innovative dissections to keep the integrity of the joints but reveal the pathology in vivo as the students are performing the physical exam.

He is always looking for ways to improve medical education and assist with the retention of anatomy using innovating teaching and research methods. He firmly believes that physicians are life-long learners and the best way to remember things is understanding through application.

Teaching Expertise/ Interests

Gross anatomy

General anatomy and physiology






Research Expertise/Interests

Medical Education

Application of Anatomy to Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Human Anatomical Variations

Cadaver-Based Learning


Selected Scholarly Works

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Dolbow, J., Dolbow, D., Stevens, S., Hinojosa, J. Restorative Effects of Aquatic Exercise Therapies on Motor Function, Cardiovascular Performance, and Gait in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review. J. of Aquatic Physical Therapy. J. of Aquatic Physical Therapy. Vol. 25, No. 1. pgs. 22-29. 2017.

  • Delbow, J., Hinojosa, J., Stevens, S., Mehler, C. Robotic Assisted Gait Training Therapies for Pediatric Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review. J. of Rehabilitation Robotics. Vol. 4, pgs. 14-21. 2016.


Selected Outreach Activities


  • Montgomery County Food Bank, Member, Conroe, Tx, Sept. 2021
  • Angel Reach, October 2021


Dr. David Moeller

David Moeller, MD

Dr. Moeller is very interested in sharing his decades of clinical experience in radiology with medical students. His scholarly interest is medical education, especially how imaging can be used in foundational classes to reinforce anatomy and clarify gross pathology. He is also interested in expanding the use of ultrasound as an educational and diagnostic tool for students and clinicians.

Teaching Expertise/Interests

Lifelong Learning

Evidence-Based Learning

Selected Scholarly Works and/or Activities

Invited Speaking Engagements

  • Moeller, D. Presentation: “MR Neurospectroscopy, A Virtual Biopsy”, Memorial Hermann Healthcare System, Third Annual Neuroscience Symposium, The Woodlands, TX, November 2, 2013
  • Moeller, D. Lecture: “MRI of Injuries in Athletics” - Sixth Annual Sports Medicine Conference, The Woodlands, TX. January 21, 1998.

Selected Outreach Activities


  • Holy Cross Institute, Development Committee, Member, Austin, TX, Dec 2020-present.
  • St. Edwards University, Advisory Board of the School of Natural Sciences, Chairman of Entrepreneurial Curriculum Evaluation, Austin, TX, 2016-present.
  • Sam Houston State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Admissions Committee, Member and Interviewer, Conroe, TX, 201-present.


  • Montgomery County Food Bank, Member, Conroe, TX, Sept 2019.
  • UTMB Alumni, Presidential Scholarship Fund, Host (Class of 1981), Galveston, TX, 1996-present.

Dr. Jailenne Quiñones-Rodriquez

Jailenne I. Quiñones-Rodríguez, Ph.D., M.A.


Dr. Quiñones' research focuses on the study of nondescribed human anatomical variations addressing the clinical and surgical implications these variations might have in developmental anatomy, diagnosis, and therapeutic procedures in which they may require more attention or specific arrangements. The significance of anatomical studies ranges from the discovery of novel neurovascular structures to additional organ structures, such as a unique accessory lobe in the liver showing a diverse perspective and awareness of morphological features from those classically described in anatomy textbooks. Most importantly, this emphasize the wealth of information that is still unknown about human anatomy. This investigative paradigm has resulted in over eighteen peer-reviewed publications and multiple awards in the past four years.


List of Publications:

Teaching Expertise/Interests





Research Expertise

Human Anatomical Variations

Medical Education

Selected Scholarly Works and/or Activities

Peer Reviewed Publications
  • Quiñones Rodriguez JI Mantilla Rosa C, Rodríguez F, Villamil CI, Fernández J,González Solá M, Rosario M. A Missing Flexor Digitorum Brevis Tendon and Its Relationship to Sex and Ancestry: Evaluation in Hispanic Population. Anatomia.2022 December; 1(2). doi:
  • Quiñones Rodriguez JI Acevedo Arroyo AN, Santiago Negron CL, Garcés Torres LF, Fonseca Salgado C. A Bipartite Obturator Artery with Multiple Pelvic Branching A Gynecologic Approach. Diagnostics. 2022 October; 12(11). doi:
  • Quiñones Rodriguez JI Camacho Quiñones A, Cárdenas Suarez N, Ramirez N. Case Report: Dual Innervation to the Gluteus Maximus: A Case Report and Clinical Implications. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2022 May; 16(5):AD01 AD03. doi:
  • Quiñones Rodriguez JI Lozada Miranda V, Del Mazo Arbona N, Rosario MG. Unilateral Double Subscapular Artery: A Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2022 April; 16(4):AD01 AD03. doi:
  • Quiñones Rodriguez JI Amador R, Silvestrini I. A Comprehensive View into a Novel, Accessory Liver Lobe. International Journal of Anatomical Variations. 2021; 14(7):111 113.
Invited Talks
Invited Speaker: World Dentistry Meeting in Budapest, Hungary (2022)
  • Reviewer: Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA)  grant R25GM114000 from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (2023- Present)
  • Posters Judge: American Association of Clinical Anatomists Meeting, Career Development Committee (2022- Present)
  • Collaboration in the creation of virtual education modules for public schools in Puerto Rico in collaboration with CienciaPR: “The human body and its mysteries”

Dr. Dennis Wooten

Dennis Wooten, MD, PhD

Dr. Wooten has a significant history of peer reviewed basic and applied laboratory research and clinical case presentations.  His primary educational research interest at the College of Osteopathic Medicine involves improving the delivery of pathology education for first-year and second-year medical students.  His plans are to encourage student participation in the research effort by presenting the students with pathology images with and without associated clinical cases and determine which method is more effective for retaining and understanding principles in pathology.  This effort will be ongoing throughout the semesters, followed by data analysis intervals.  Primary data will be quiz and exam score comparisons and short, standardized questionnaires.  This effort may result in new strategies for pathology instruction.


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