History Vault is a digital archive to which the SHSU Library provides access. An SHSU username and password are required to access History Vault.
Below is an outline of the major civil rights collections which can be searched, read, and downloaded in the History Vault database.
A. History Vault: The Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century, Federal Government Records
Direct Access: https://ezproxy.shsu.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/historyvault (shsu login required)
For a full list of resources in this collection: http://tinyurl.com/7pwwgvh
Key selections include:
Presidential Administration and Aides Papers
- President Harry Truman's Committee on Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Eisenhower Administration, Part 1: White House Files, Ser A: School Desegregation
- Civil Rights Kennedy Administration, Part 1: White House Files, Staff Files, Office Files
- Civil Rights Kennedy Administration, Part 2: The Papers of Burke Marshall
- Civil Rights Kennedy Administration, Part 3: The Civil Rights Files of Lee C. White
- Civil Rights Johnson Administration, Part I. White House Central Files and Aides Files
- Civil Rights Johnson Administration, Part III. Oral Histories
- Civil Rights Johnson Administration, Part IV. Papers of White House Conference on Civil Rights
- Civil Rights Johnson Administration, Part V. Records of the NACCD (Kerner Commission)
- Civil Rights during the Nixon Administration, Part 1: White House Central Files
- Civil Rights during the Carter Administration, Part 1: Black Affairs Sections A-D
Departmental and Governmental Papers
- Department of Justice Classified Subject Files on Civil Rights, 1914-1949
- Records of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, 1958–1973
- Records of U.S. Comm. on Civil Rights Police-Community Relations in Urban Areas, 1954–66
- Records of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights School Desegregation in the South, 1965–1966
- Records of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Special Projects, 1960–1970
B. History Vault: The Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century, Organizational Records and Personal Papers, Part I
For a full list of resources in this collection: http://tinyurl.com/7nn7a6k
Key selections include:
- Bayard Rustin Papers
- Black Power Movement, Part 3: Papers of the Revolutionary Action Movement
- Black Power Movement, Part 4: Papers of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers
- Mary McLeod Bethune Papers
- Papers of A. Philip Randolph
- Records of the National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs
- Records of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1954–1970
- Records of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
- The Claude A. Barnett Papers
C. Papers of the NAACP, Module 2: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns: Education, Voting, Housing, Employment, Armed Forces
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 03: The Campaign for Educational Equality 1913–1965: Legal Department and Central Office Records Series A: 1913–1940; Series B: 1940–1950; Series C:
- 1951–1955; General Office Files Series D: 1956–1965
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 04: The Voting Rights Campaign 1916–1950; Supplement 1
- General Office Files 1956–1965
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 05: The Campaign against Residential Segregation 1914–1955;
- Supplement 1 General Office Files 1956–1965
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 09: Discrimination in the U.S. Armed Forces 1918–1955: Series A: General Office Files 1918–55; Series B: Legal Files 1940–1950; Series C: The Veterans Affairs Committee 1940–1950
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 13: The NAACP and Labor 1940–1955: Series A: Subject Files on Labor Conditions and Employment Discrimination
- 1940–1955; Series B: Cooperation with Organized Labor 1940–1955; Series C: Legal Department Files on Labor 1940–1955; Supplement to Part 13 The NAACP and Labor 1956–1965
D. Papers of the NAACP, Module 3: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns: Scottsboro, Anti-Lynching, Criminal Justice, Peonage, Labor, and Segregation and Discrimination Complaints and Responses
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 06: The Scottsboro Case, 1931–1950
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 07: The Anti–Lynching Campaign, 1912–1955, Series A: Anti–Lynching Investigative Files, 1912–1953; and Series B: Anti–Lynching Legislation and Publicity Files, 1916–55
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 08: Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System, 1910–1955, Series A: Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1910–39; and Series B: Legal Department and Central Office Records, 1940–55
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 10: Peonage, Labor, and the New Deal, 1913–1939
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 15: Segregation and Discrimination: Complaints and Responses, 1940–55, Series A: Legal Department Files; and Series B: Administrative Files
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 20: White Resistance and Reprisals, 1956–1965
E. Papers of the NAACP, Module 6: Branch Department, Branch Files and Youth Department Files
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 12: Selected Branch Files, 1913–1939, Series A: The South
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 12: Selected Branch Files, 1913–1939, Series B: The Northeast
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 12: Selected Branch Files, 1913–1939, Series C: The Midwest
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 12: Selected Branch Files, 1913–1939, Series D: The West
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 19: Youth File, Series A: 1919–1939
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 19: Youth File, Series B: 1940–55, American Jewish Congress–Motion Picture Project
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 19: Youth File, Series C: 1940–1955, NAACP–Youth Builders
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 19: Youth File, Series D: 1956–1965, Youth Department Files
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 25: Branch Department Files, Series A: Regional Files and Special Reports, 1941–1955
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 25: Branch Department Files, Series B: Regional Files and Special Reports, 1956–1965
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 25: Branch Department Files, Series C: Branch Newsletters and Printed Matter
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 25: Branch Department Files, Series D: Branch Department General Subject Files, 1956–1965
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 26: Selected Branch Files, 1940–1955, Series A: The South
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 26: Selected Branch Files, 1940–1955, Series B: The Northeast
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 26: Selected Branch Files, 1940–1955, Series C: The Midwest
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 26: Selected Branch Files, 1940–1955, Series D: The West
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 27: Selected Branch Files, 1956–1965, Series A: The South
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 27: Selected Branch Files, 1956–1965, Series B: The Northeast
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 27: Selected Branch Files, 1956–1965, Series C: The Midwest
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 27: Selected Branch Files, 1956–1965, Series D: The West
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 29: Branch Department Files, Series A: Field Staff Files, 1965–1972
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 29: Branch Department Files, Series B: Branch Newsletters, Annual Branch Activities Reports, and Selected Branch Department Subject Files, 1966–1972
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 29: Branch Department Files, Series C: Branch Newsletters and Printed Matter, 1966–1971
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 29: Branch Department Files, Series D: Branch Department General Subject Files, 1966–70
Additional Modules NOT Owned by SHSU:
F. Papers of the NAACP, Module 1: Board of Directors, Annual Conferences, Major Speeches, and National Staff Files
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 01: Meetings of the Board of Directors, Records of Annual Conferences, Major Speeches and Special Reports 1909–1950: Supplement 1 1951–1955; Supplement 2 1956–1960; Supplement 3 1961–1965; Supplement 4 1966–1970
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 02: Personal Correspondence of Selected NAACP Officials, 1919-39
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 14: Race Relations in the International Arena, 1940–1955
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 16: Board of Directors Correspondence and Committee Materials, 1919–1955: Series A 1919–1939; Series B 1940–1955
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 16: Board of Directors Correspondence and Committee Materials, Supplement 1 1956–1965; Supplement 2 1966–1970
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 17: National Staff Files, 1940–1955; Supplement 1956–1965
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 21: NAACP Relations with the Modern Civil Rights Movement
G. Papers of the NAACP, Module 4: The NAACP’s Major Campaigns: Legal Department Files
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 22: Legal Department Administrative Files, 1956–1965
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 23: Legal Department Case Files, 1956–1965
- Series A: The South • Series B: The Northeast • Series C: The Mid and Far West
- Supplement to Part 23: 1960–1972, Series A: The South
- Section 1, Alabama, Arkansas, and Florida
- Section 2, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia
- Section 3, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas
- Supplement to Part 23: 1960–1972, Series B: The Northeast
- Section 1: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island
- Section 2: New York
- Supplement to Part 23: 1960–1972, Series C: The Midwest
- Section 1: Ohio
- Section 2: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, West Virginia, and Wisconsin
H. Papers of the NAACP, Module 5: Special Subjects
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 11: Special Subject Files, 1912–1939, Series A: Africa through Garvey, Marcus
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 11: Special Subject Files, 1912–1939, Series B: Harding, Warren G. Through YWCA
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 18: Special Subjects, 1940–1955, Series A: Legal Department Files.
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 18: Special Subjects, 1940–1955, Series B: General Office Files: Abolition of Government Agencies–Jews
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 18: Special Subjects, 1940–1955, Series C: General Office Files: Justice Department–White Supremacy
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 24: Special Subjects, 1956–1965, Series A: Africa–Films
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 24: Special Subjects, 1956–1965, Series B: Foreign Affairs–Leagues and Organizations
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 24: Special Subjects, 1956–1965, Series C: Life Memberships–Zangrando
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 28: Special Subject Files, 1966–1970, Series A: Africa–Poor People’s Campaign
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 28: Special Subject Files, 1966–1970, Series B: Powell, Adam Clayton–White Supremacy
- Papers of the NAACP, Part 30: General Office Subject Files, 1966–1972, Series A: Subject Files