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POLS 2304: Intro to Political Science
POLS 2305 American Government
American Government 2e (OpenStax, Rice University) by Glen Krutz; Sylvie WaskiewiczISBN: 9781947172661
American Government 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester American Government course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including Insider Perspective features and a Get Connected module that shows students how they can get engaged in the political process.
Attenuated Democracy: A Critical Introduction to U.S. Government and Politics by David Hubert, Salt Lake Community CollegePublication Date: 2020
Intended for introductory U.S. government and politics courses. This text has a distinct perspective on American politics: The U.S. political system suffers from endemic design flaws and is notable for the way that a small subset of Americans—whose interests often don’t align with those of the vast majority of the population—wields disproportionate power. Absent organized and persistent action on the part of ordinary Americans, the system tends to serve the already powerful.
POLS 3379 Research & Writing in Political Science
Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration (With Applications in R): 3rd Edition by Hank Jenkins-Smith & Joseph Ripberger, University of OklahomaThe focus of this book is on using quantitative research methods to test hypotheses and build theory in political science, public policy and public administration. It is designed for advanced undergraduate courses, or introductory and intermediate graduate-level courses. The first part of the book introduces the scientific method, then covers research design, measurement, descriptive statistics, probability, inference, and basic measures of association. The second part of the book covers bivariate and multiple linear regression using the ordinary least squares, the calculus and matrix algebra that are necessary for understanding bivariate and multiple linear regression, the assumptions that underlie these methods, and then provides a short introduction to generalized linear models.
Statistics Through an Equity Lens by Yvonne AnthonyPublication Date: 2023
"The book encourages further inspection of the ways in which data is collected, interpreted, and analyzed on a variety of social justice issues... It also attempts to reveal how the misuse of data can reinforce inequities... Whether an intended or unintended consequence, irresponsible data use can contribute to racist impressions of people and communities."
POLS 3380 Intro International Relations
International Relations by Stephen McGlinchey, University of the West of EnglandISBN: 9781910814185
This book is designed to be a ‘Day 0' introduction to International Relations. As a beginner's guide, it has been structured to condense the most important information into the smallest space and present that information in the most accessible way. The chapters offer a broad sweep of the basic components of International Relations and the key contemporary issues that concern the discipline. The chapters are short, with simple paragraphs and clear sentences placing the reader inside crucial issues and debates so they can understand how things work, and where they fit in the world around them.