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Scores for Musicals are in these areas:
M1500 (Musicals, scores, complete works)
M1503 (Musicals, vocal scores with piano, general)
M1507 (Musicals, excerpts, vocal scores with piano, collections)
M1508 (Musicals, excerpts, vocal scores with piano, separate works by title of opera, musical, etc.)
A story of a kamikaze love affair with unexpected consequences. Hilarious and heartbreaking, written by Jessica Butcher and with original music by Anoushka Lucas. Sparks is a two-hander musical about the
brain's response to grief.
PLAYS BIN 159 #1869
Bingo is about a group of die-hard bingo players who stop at nothing to miss their weekly game. In between the number calling, strange rituals and fierce competitions, love blossoms and long lost friends reunite.
PLAYS BIN 119 #1437
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