Trial court appeals:
district, county, justice, municipal
Original jurisdiction
Divorce, land titles, contested elections,
felony: criminal, civil, juvenile
Limited local jurisdiction
Lower court appeals:
constitutional, statutory county courts,
civil, probate, juvenile, misdemeanors
Limited local jurisdiction
Local trials:
civil, small claims,
criminal misdemeanors,
magistrate, probate, municipal ordinances
A Separate Court
Child protection and support, juveniles
The Chief Justice and eight justices make up the Supreme Court in Texas. Located by the State Capital, it serves as the "last resort" for rulings on civil matters. Use this site for contact information and the Justice calendar. Find out about current news and cases, rules and procedures. See oral arguments videos, causes, and orders and opinions.
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals
"The Court of Criminal Appeals is Texas' highest court for criminal cases. The Court consists of a Presiding Judge and eight Judges." View Justice contact Information, procedures, rules, issues argument, virtual court, orders, opinions and statements, and case submissions. You may also locate forms.
The 14 courts of appeals reside in specific areas of Texas and have jurisdiction in both civil and criminal cases appealed from district or county courts. Visit the web sites of all 14 courts of appeals by hovering over "courts" in the subject links.
This link guides you to information about Texas District, County, Justice, Municipal, and Specialty courts. It includes multi-district litigation cases, rules of judicial administration, and information about serving on a jury or receiving child support.
Current information on courts and judges in counties.
Justices of Texas Photograph Collection
Includes People who served on the Texas Supreme Court and Texas Court of Criminal Appeals from 1836 to 1986.
Penal Code Offenses by Punishment Range
A list created by the Attorney General.
Texas Progressive Interventions and Bench Manual
A manual for basic community services and sanctions that can be imposed instead of incarceration. Used by County Court judges to try cases, it is also helpful for prosecutors,defense attorneys, defendants and victims, and community corrections officials.
Juvenile Justice Reports and Publications
Link to publications by the Attorney General about juveniles. Read about school crime, gangs, cyber and cell phone safety, child support evaders and sex offenders. Also, link to other sites like the FBI, Homeland Security, The Justice Department, and Missing and Exploited Children.
Link to Annual Statistical Reports for basic court information, information on judges, demographics, salaries and turnover. Find statistics from appellate and trial courts, case activity and trends.
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