This guide provides a starting point for finding books, articles, primary sources, websites, and more on topics related to Latin American history with a high focus on Mexico and Mexican history. This guide is not comprehensive.
An excellent way to discover additional resources is to browse for books in relevant call number ranges.
Latin American History is F1201-F3799
This includes F1201-3799 Latin America. Spanish America, F1201-1392 Mexico, and F1401-1419 Latin America (General).
To discover the call number ranges for broader, narrower, or different subjects, consult the Library of Congress Classification Outline.
Below are sample subjects. To browse for different, broader, or narrower subjects, go to the library catalog and click "Exact Search." Enter a term and click "subject."
You can start browsing for a broad subject like Education, then look for more specific subjects, such as Education England History 18th century.
If you have too many results, take out some of the subject terms. Such as "OR nineteenth century" or "OR 1800s OR 1800's". This will take out some of the options which will help to narrow the results.
Mexico OR Mexican AND History AND Prominent Figures AND 19th century OR nineteenth century OR 1800s OR 1800's
Mexico OR Mexican AND History AND Prominent Figures AND 20th century OR twentieth century OR 1900s OR 1900's
Mexico OR Mexican AND History AND Politics OR Political Figures AND 19th century OR nineteenth century OR 1800s OR 1800's
Mexico OR Mexican AND History AND Politics OR Political Figures AND 20th century OR twentieth century OR 1900s OR 1900's
Mexico OR Mexican AND History AND 19th century OR nineteenth century OR 1800s OR 1800's AND Religion
Mexico OR Mexican AND History AND 20th century OR twentieth century OR 1900s OR 1900's AND Religion
Mexico OR Mexican AND History AND 19th century OR nineteenth century OR 1800s OR 1800's AND Change OR Social Change OR Society
Mexico OR Mexican AND History AND 20th century OR twentieth century OR 1900s OR 1900's AND Change OR Social Change OR Society
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