Before making a request for full-text articles through interlibrary loan, please complete these steps below to search for the full-text articles. If you are working with individuals from other institutions, please ensure that they check their library collections as well.
Prior to checking the sources below, be sure to run the full-text finder in EndNote (or other citation management tool, like Zotero). If you are working with a librarian on a review, this step may be completed for you.
There are many ways to connect to the full-text. Below are three options, ranked by ease and efficiency.
Usually, Engine Orange works really well. If not, you can try these additional options.
If you have multi-institutional team members, have them search Google Scholar as well, along with their own institution libraries.
If you find the article citation in a database, placing an interlibrary loan request is incredibly fast and easy with these steps:
If you can't find the citation in a database, you can still place an interlibrary loan request manually. Follow the steps below:
Questions about Interlibrary Loan? All interlibrary loan questions should be directed to the Interlibrary Services Office, 936-294-1616, or
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