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Instructional Materials Center: Home


An analysis of the needs of pre- and in-service educators, including educators' typical information seeking habits, prompted a more in-depth investigation of how the Newton Gresham Library could better meet the instructional, developmental, and professional needs of the SHSU and surrounding community. 

Observed needs and/or patterns included:

  • Reliable access to EC-12 textbooks
  • SHSU education students & faculty were unaware that the NGL collection included instructional materials
  • Instructional materials were interspersed throughout NGL's collection, organized by LCC subjects
  • Materials shelved outside of LS (Children's Literature) or L (Education) seldom circulated

Organized by NGL Librarians with prior experience in K-12, the IMC would accommodate the typical information seeking behavior of K-12 educators.  They tend to:

  • Browse shelves instead of perform traditional OPAC searches
  • Have limited time, knowledge, or cognitive space for in-depth searches
  • Need visual, functional space to examine materials
  • Prefer organization related to subject occurrence in the classroom

A thorough literature review also revealed recommendations for:

  • early and scaffolded use in both the library and the classroom 
  • co-location encourages collaborative use and deeper learning experiences

It is the aim of the IMC to meet these needs and to continue supporting SHSU's preparation and certification of top-notch educators in the state of Texas - and beyond.

Research & Instruction Librarian

Profile Photo
Misty Schattle

The Center's Space

Children's Lit Picture Books

Children's Lit Picture Books

Children's Lit NonFiction

Children's Lit NonFiction

Children's Lit Fiction

Children's Lit Fiction

IMC Textbooks

IMC Textbooks


IMC Instructional Materials

Group Study & Instructional Space

Group Study & Instructional Space

IMC in Use

IMC hosting a class on Children's Literature

Center Floor Plan


Both components of the Instructional Materials Center - the Instructional Materials Collection and Children's Literature Collection - are located on the 3rd floor of the Newton Gresham Library, on the northeast corner of the main staircase. Included in the space is a 48-seat instructional / group study area, reservable for instruction or other events.

The collection is accessible during the Library's regular hours.

The Newton Gresham Library is located on the east side of SHSU's main campus at 1830 Bobby K Marks Drive in Huntsville, Texas.

All SHSU parking is metered via the ParkMobile Pay-by-Hour app or requires an ePermit.  A limited number of Pay-by-Hour spaces are located on the Southeast corner of the building, along the adjacent street, and in the SHSU Parking Garage.  Handicap accessible parking is available on the Northeast corner of the Library but also requires an ePermit.

Materials Circulation

All items follow the library's regular circulation guidelines - with the exception of the IMC-TB (EC-12 Textbooks). EC-12 Textbooks can be checked out for 4 days but are ineligible for ILL.

Students taking courses at The Woodlands Center are able to check out materials, as well. Visit the TWC ILS page for more information.

Call Number Patterns

IMC (then LOC) Instructional Materials (closest to stairs)
IMC-TB (then LOC, Level, & Ed.) K-12 Textbooks, Student & Teacher Editions
LS .A...-.Z... Children's Fiction by author's last name
LS (then DDC: 000-999) Children's Informational Texts (i.e., NonFiction)
LSPB (then .A... or 000...) Children's Picture Books, Fiction & Informational (closest to windows)

LOC - Library of Congress Classification System
DDC - Dewey Decimal Classification System (akin to most school libraries)


Newton Gresham Library | (936) 294-1614 | (866) NGL-INFO | Ask a Question | Share a Suggestion

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