Historical Newspapers, Periodicals, and Other Documents
History Commons (All available Collections)This link opens in a new windowVast array of historical newspapers, magazines, and full-text books, including Frank Lloyd Garrison's The Liberator, African American newspapers, Godey's Lady's Book, women's suffrage and feminist publications, extensive Civil War documents, county histories from across the U.S., and much more.
Formerly known as Accessible Archives
African American Newspapers 1827-1998This link opens in a new windowApproximately 270 U.S. newspapers, 1827-1998, document African American experiences.
African American Periodicals 1825-1995This link opens in a new windowMore than 170 periodicals by and about African Americans, published in 26 states. Includes academic and political journals, commercial magazines, institutional newsletters, organizations' bulletins, annual reports, and other genres.
Library of Congress Digital CollectionsAmerican history, 1400-present, documented by the Library of Congress. Millions of items: written & spoken words, audio, video, images, maps, sheet music, etc.
American Periodicals, 1740-1940This link opens in a new windowU.S. periodicals, including special interest, general, children's, women's, literary, and professional. Includes American independence and Civil War articles.
American State Papers 1789-1838This link opens in a new windowU.S. Congressional and Executive documents, 1789-1838. Covers many topics, such as Lewis and Clark expedition and trade with China.
Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection Series IThis link opens in a new windowU.S. Hispanic history, literature, and culture, all 50 states, circa 1610-2006. Periodical articles, books, pamphlets, broadsides, and more in full text.
Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection Series II: Leaders, Writers, and ThinkersThis link opens in a new windowProvided by the Department of Foreign Languages. Focuses on the evolution of Hispanic civil rights, religious thought, and the growing presence of women writers from the late 19th and 20th centuries. Contains hundreds of rare books, over 3,000 newspaper issues (including rare anarchist newspapers), and over 250,000 pages of personal and organizational manuscripts. Content is mostly Spanish, some English.
Every issue of the Austin American Statesman / Austin Statesman, 1871-1980.
Austin American Statesman, 1989-presentThis link opens in a new windowThe major newspaper for Austin, the capital city of Texas. Provides thorough coverage of international, national and local news, with focus on issues affecting Austin and the Central Texas region. Also covers Texas-Mexico border issues, local news from Travis and Williamson counties, and local events and business.
British Periodicals I & IIThis link opens in a new windowBritish periodicals, late 17th to early 20th centuries. History of Britain and its colonies, as well as a British view of events in America and the world.
C19: The Nineteenth Century IndexThis link opens in a new windowCitations for millions of books, official publications, archival collections, and journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. Links out to full text when available (including many items in British Periodicals).
China, America, and the Pacific - 18th-20th centuriesThis link opens in a new windowArchival material connected to the trading and cultural relationships that emerged between China, America and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. Includes manuscript sources, rare printed texts, visual images, objects and maps.
China: Culture and Society (1750-1929)This link opens in a new windowFull-color primary materials in pamphlet form (mostly English language), ranging from c. 1750-1929, addressing China and the Chinese. Also includes secondary-source scholarly essays, interactive chronology, and more. Click "more" for details of content.
Full-color pamphlets (mostly English language), ranging from c. 1750-1929, addressing China and the Chinese. Also includes secondary-source scholarly essays, interactive chronology, and more. Types of primary material include: Addresses and speeches; Annual reports; Assessments; Catalogues; Essays; Examinations; Guides and manuals; Inquiries and studies; Journals; Lecture notes; Letters; Magazine articles; Minutes of meetings; Notes and records. Major themes include the Chinese diaspora, foreign relations and international conflict, religion and philosophy, opium (trade, consumption, policy), revolution, language, art, leisure, literature, science, trade, and much more.
Chronicling AmericaDigitized newspapers from a number of states, with most coverage 1860-1922. Library of Congress project. More newspapers are being added regularly. Texas component: Texas Digital Newspaper Program.
Civil War, Parts 1-7 (Accessible Archives)This link opens in a new windowWide variety of rosters, muster lists, newspapers, pamphlets, regimental histories, and memoirs, Union and Confederate. Click "more" for details of content.
- Regimental histories, rosters, and muster lists representing all Union regiments.
- Commanding officer memoirs, strategies and tactics (mostly Union, some Confederate).
- Selected newspaper content from 1850s and 1860s representing Union
Dallas Morning News Historical Archive 1885-1984This link opens in a new windowDocuments major events in Texas, the U.S. and the world, 1885-1984. Full papers: articles, photos, graphics, maps, political cartoons, editorials, ads, recipes, etc.
Dallas Morning News, 1984-2016This link opens in a new windowA leading source of news for northeastern Texas and parts of southern Oklahoma, known for its extensive coverage of news in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, as well as issues and events affecting the entire state, reporting of national issues and coverage of late-breaking news from around the world.
Documenting the American SouthSouthern history, literature, and culture, colonial period through early 20th century. Books, diaries, posters, artifacts, letters, oral history interviews, songs. Free website from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dolley Madison Papers Digital Edition, 1768-1848This link opens in a new windowDolley Payne Madison was the most important First Lady of the nineteenth century. The Dolley Madison Digital Edition provides all of her known correspondence from 1768 through 1848, more than 2670 documents.
Early English Books Online (EEBO)This link opens in a new windowVirtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and British North America, as well as works in English printed elsewhere, from 1473-1700.
New content is added each year. Consult the resource itself for the most recent content available.
Every issue of The Economist from 1843 to 2015, including full-color images, multiple search indexes, and browsing facilities. Timely reporting, concise commentary, and comprehensive analysis of global news, including political, business, scientific, technological, and cultural developments and the connections between them.
Eighteenth (18th) Century Collections Online (ECCO)This link opens in a new windowEnglish-language and foreign-language titles printed in the United Kingdom, 1701-1800, and thousands of important works from the Americas. Books, pamphlets, broadsides, and ephemera.
FBI Records: The VaultFBI documents on diverse topics ranging from gangsters and organized crime, World War II, and Vietnam to Civil Rights, counterterrorism, popular culture, and much more. Note: the dates listed beside each file generally represent when it was put online, not when it was created.
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports, 1941-1974This link opens in a new windowThis historical archive provides 30 years of U.S. intelligence on international affairs, covering regions around the world from Asia, Africa, and Europe to Latin America, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union. These reports include transcribed and translated radio broadcasts from foreign governments, official news services, and clandestine broadcasts from occupied territories--often these are first-hand reports of events as they occurred.
HeinOnlineThis link opens in a new windowMore than 100 million pages of legal history in an online, fully-searchable, image-based format. Comprehensive coverage, from inception, of more than 2,000 law and law-related periodicals. Includes Slavery in America and the World, a vast collection which brings together "all known legal materials on slavery," as well as collections on women and the law, the John F. Kennedy assassination, the Pentagon Papers, and more.
Hispanic American Newspapers 1808-1980This link opens in a new windowHundreds of Hispanic American newspapers, including both Spanish-language papers and papers published bilingually in Spanish and English. Largest compilation of Spanish-language newspapers printed in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries.
History Vault: Black Freedom Struggle & NAACP PapersThis link opens in a new windowDocuments diverse topics of the black Civil Rights Movement from the last decade of 19th century through last decade of 20th century. Click "more" for details of content.
Documents diverse topics of the black Civil Rights Movement from the last decade of 19th century through last decade of 20th century. Includes: - Portions of the official NAACP Papers, including selected branch files by region. - Federal government agency records. - Papers from major organizations such as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Black Power Movement groups, and many more. - Papers from major civil rights figures such as Bayard Rustin, Mary McLeod Bethune, and others.
Houston Chronicle Historical and Current, 1901-presentThis link opens in a new windowThe Houston Chronicle is the only daily newspaper in the fourth largest city in the United States, and provides local, national and international news, features, sports and opinion for the region.
Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003This link opens in a new windowComplete, full-color run of the worlds most iconic illustrated newspaper. Covers topics such as news, wars, royal events, scientific invention, exploration, fashion, and more.
JSTOR 19th Century British PamphletsThis link opens in a new windowPrimary source collection of pamphlets (mostly 19th century, but with some extension into the 17th and 18th centuries), primarily produced in Britain, but pertaining to many countries and peoples.
National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888-1994This link opens in a new windowEvery page and every photograph of the official journal of the National Geographic Society, from the first issue to the mid-1990s.
New York Times (2008-Recent) - ProQuest Digitized NewspapersThis link opens in a new windowThis digital microfilm collection makes it easier to view specific dates, issues, or pages of the New York Times without requiring a trip to the library or a special microform reader. Articles are provided in PDF format for printing or downloading. Full-page, greyscale images are full-text searchable and offer keyword highlighting. Available issues will be approximately 3 months behind the current date, though sometimes further.
Nineteenth (19th) Century Collections OnlineThis link opens in a new windowMonographs, newspapers, pamphlets, manuscripts, ephemera, maps, photographs, statistics, and other documents in both Western and non-Western languages. Primary collection themes are: - Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange - British Politics and Society - British Theatre, Music, and Literature: High and Popular Culture - European Literature 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection
Eight Centuries (formerly Nineteenth (19th) Century Masterfile)This link opens in a new windowEight Centuries is a vast scholarly database for finding published material from the 12th century through 1930. Through enhancement and implementation of dozens of historically significant scholarly indexes, it offers multidisciplinary coverage of primary materials in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, History of Science, Law, Economics, Religion, Psychology, Government Documents, Visual Arts, Music, and the Physical Sciences.
Nineteenth (19th) Century U.S. Newspapers Digital ArchiveThis link opens in a new window19th-century newspapers from various urban and rural regions throughout the U.S. Strong in topics such as Civil War, African-American history, Western migration, etc.
Observer: News for the American Soldier in Vietnam, 1962-1973This link opens in a new windowMore than 5,200 page images from The Observer, a weekly newspaper published by the Command Information Division of the U.S. Military Assistance Commands Office of Information which carried official news about and for American troops in Vietnam.
Papers of Amiri Baraka, Poet Laureate of the Black Power MovementThis link opens in a new windowThe collection consists of rare works of poetry, organizational records, print publications, over one hundred articles, poems, plays, and speeches by Baraka; a small amount of personal correspondence; and oral histories. Content ranges from 1913-1998.
Papers of Thomas JeffersonThis link opens in a new windowSearch & view 37 volumes of Jefferson's papers, 1743 to his death in 1826. Includes all illustrations and bibliographical content of print edition, plus linked cross-references and indexes.
Periodicals Archive OnlineThis link opens in a new windowJournal articles, 1802-2000, international and in many subject areas. Journals in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and other Western languages.
Digitized material from the Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin Papers provides extensive information on the founding and growth of the homophile movement, especially the Daughters of Bilitis and The Ladder, including early meeting minutes, correspondence, chapter records, membership data, and manuscripts unavailable elsewhere.
Presidential Recordings Digital Edition: The Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon White House TapesThis link opens in a new windowHundreds of hours of presidential audio recordings (and full text transcripts) from the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations. Covers many major issues, from the Kennedy Assassination and the Civil Rights Movement to the Vietnam War, the War on Poverty, and much more. Also includes photo and video galleries and a linked timeline.
ProQuest Historical NewspapersThis link opens in a new windowSimultaneously search the Library's subscriptions to the historical archives of the Austin-American Statesman, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.
Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 1897-2004First 100 years of the oldest continuously-published scholarly journal in Texas. Searchable Tables of Contents and links to full articles. IF a certain article is not linked, search for it at the Portal to Texas History.
Texas Digital Newspaper ProgramDigital papers from cities all across Texas, 1829-1953 (dates are currently scattered). Free from University of North Texas; part of Library of Congress' Chronicling America project.
The Times Digital Archive, 1785 to 2014This link opens in a new window"World's newspaper of record." Covers all major international historical events. Every page of every issue, from 1785 to 2014.
U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1994This link opens in a new windowReports, documents, journals of U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, 1817-1994. Every publication, over 415,000 documents, from 15th - 103rd Congresses.
U.S. Congressional Serial Set MapsThis link opens in a new windowOver 65,000 maps, 1872-1979, 42nd Congress 3rd session - 96th Congress 1st session. Diverse topics such as diseases, railroads, migrations, explorations, international events.
Vogue Archive (1892-present)This link opens in a new windowEntire run of Vogue magazine from 1892-present, including text, images, captions, advertisements, covers, and fold-outs. Useful for researching fashion design and marketing, popular culture, photography and visual arts, gender, social history, designing period costumes, and more.
Wall Street Journal Historical, 1889-2002This link opens in a new windowNew content is added each year. Consult the resource itself for the most recent content available.
Every page of every issue of the Wall Street Journal, 1889-2002.
Washington Post Historical, 1877-2003This link opens in a new windowNew content is added each year. Consult the resource itself for the most recent content available.
Every page of every issue of the Washington Post, 1877-2003.
Women's Wear Daily Archive, 1910 to 1 year agoThis link opens in a new windowEntire run of Womens Wear Daily (also known as WWD), widely considered the Wall St Journal of the fashion industry. Traces day-to-day news, opinion, and socio-economic trends; a unique record of the twentieth century U.S. and international fashion and beauty business.
World Digital LibrarySignificant primary source documents from around the world in multiple languages. Strong in Latin America & Europe. Also North America, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Oceania. Free collection produced by many international institutions and the United Nations.