Exploring these websites could assist you in pinpointing research topics.
The FBI is the lead federal agency for investigating cyber attacks and intrusions. They collect and share intelligence and engage with victims while working to unmask those committing malicious cyber activities.
Within the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, CCIPS works to deter and disrupt computer and intellectual property crime by bringing and supporting key investigations and prosecutions, guides the proper collection of electronic evidence by investigators and prosecutors, and provides technical and legal advice and assistance to agents and prosecutors in the U.S. and around the world.
The Department of Homeland Security and its components play a lead role in strengthening cybersecurity resilience across the nation and sectors, investigating malicious cyber activity, and advancing cybersecurity alongside our democratic values and principles.
The Center for Problem-Oriented Policing is a non-profit organization comprising affiliated police practitioners, researchers, and universities dedicated to the advancement of problem-oriented policing. Their mission is to advance the concept and practice of problem-oriented policing in open and democratic societies. It does so by making readily accessible information about ways in which police can more effectively address specific crime and disorder problems.
The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) provides innovative leadership to federal, state, local, and tribal justice systems, by disseminating state-of-the art knowledge and practices across America and providing grants for the implementation of these crime fighting strategies.
CrimeSolutions is intended to be a central, reliable resource to help practitioners and policymakers understand what works in justice-related programs and practices. Its purpose is to assist in practical decision making and program implementation by gathering information on specific justice-related programs and practices and reviewing the existing evaluation and meta-analysis research against standard criteria.
Now that you have carefully read and understand your assignment, it is time to select a topic and focus on what aspect(s) of that topic will be the basis of your assignment.
Note: a research topic ≠ a research question
If your professor assigned your topic, great! Then you're most of the way there. However, if the assigned topic was a general idea or you've been given the task of selecting your own topic, its time to brainstorm! Below are sample databases that may aid in that process.
NC State University Libraries. (2013, August). Picking Your Topic IS Research. [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0B3Gjlu-1o.
Video by NC State University Libraries.
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