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Thesis and Dissertation

Directions on Form, Preparation, and Submission of the Final Copies of Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations

Title Page

The title page is the very first page in your document.  SHSU theses and dissertations all maintain a consistent and official "look" that reflects the university's standards.  This web page contains instructions on how to achieve the official SHSU title page formatting for both template and non-template users.


TIP:  A "Template -- without macros" can be found on the Home page and can be used by both PC and Mac computer users.  It has been preformatted to meet the SHSU requirements outlined on this page.


  • Title of document is the same as what appears on Abstract page and Approval page.
  • The title of document uses ALL CAPS.
  • Author's name is the same as what appears on Abstract page and Approval page.
  • The date listed reflects the current semester of publication.  Students graduating in a later semester must put the current semester of publication on their documents.
  • The correct Department name appears on the Title page.

How it Should Look

Click on the example title page below to see a full screen version.

Macro-Template Instructions

The university's template provides a pre-formatted title page for you to use.  A pop-up window appears when the template is first opened that allows you to fill in all the required information, including your official name, committee members' names, and title of your document.  BE SURE TO READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AS YOU FILL IN THE BLANKS.

If you don't fill this information out immediately, or if you need to change the data at a later time, that's OK.  There is an easy way to go back and update this information.

  1. Click on the SHSU tab.

  2. Click on the Smiley Face on the far right side of the ribbon. 

  3. If you cannot see the Smiley Face, then click on Template Help and it will appear.

  4. Now you can edit the data in the boxes. 

Non-Template Instructions

Non-template users need to format the title page as follows:



  2. Margins:  Left margin 1.5 inch.  Top, Right, Bottom 1 inch. 

  3. Font:  12 pt.  Double-spaced throughout.  Use same font style throughout document.  (Use RegText)

  4. Title:  ALL CAPS and centered on first line beneath top margin.  The title may take multiple lines depending on its length.

  5. (centered) 1-inch underscore line two spaces beneath the title.

  6. (centered) A Thesis

  7. (centered) Presented to

  8. (centered) The Faculty of the Department <Insert Department Name>

  9. (centered) Sam Houston State University

  10. (centered) 1-inch underscore line two spaces beneath SHSU.

  11. (centered) In Partial Fulfillment

  12. (centered) of the Requirements for the Degree of

  13. (centered) Doctor of <Insert Degree> OR Master of <Insert Degree>

  14. (centered) 1-inch underscore line two spaces beneath degree.

  15. (centered) by

  16. (centered)  <Your official name as found in the Registrar's Office>

  17. (centered) Month of current graduation semester, Year of current graduating semester.  [i.e.  May, 2016]

  18. When finished, click on the Insert tab, and click on Page Break to start a new section.




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